X - Coffee break

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X - Coffee break

[Harry POV]

Monday morning.

I woke up 10min before the alarm went off. I jumped out of bed getting dressed

- Morning bud – I petted Toothless who covered his eyes with one of his paws

As I walked through the hall on to the kitchen I bumped with a VERY sleepy Jane

- Morning sis, you look... - she was wearing some blue jeans with a black hoodie and her hair tide back in a high ponytail

- Awful, dead, like a zombie? I had to stay awake all night to finish a report

- Coffee?

- Hell yes!!! – she sat on one of the kitchen chairs looking at me –wait – she looked at the clock in the wall – did you fell out of bed?

- Way would you say that?

- Harry is 6am I usually have to DRAG you out of bed and today you're early?

- I just woke up that's all

- Right and I'm supposed to believe that Astrid has nothing to do with your lack of sleep – I felt my ears burning and she smiked at me – I knew it!

- I'm going to meet her at the tracks before class, so....

- What?! Are you taking MY car?

- It's supposed to belong to both of us

- Harry when are you going to tell dad about the bike!?

- I'll talk to him once he comes back from Scotland scouts honour – I said grabbing my back pack and the car keys

- YOU WERE NEVER A BOY SCOUT! – I heard before closing the door behind me

7 o'clock. I was leaning on to the car at her front door.

- Morning milady

- Good morning – she smiled at me – where's Jane? – she looked in to the car

- Home. Her classes don't start until 10

- Gosh how I wished to be a senior know! My brother is still sleeping too

We both got inside the car and the silence started to feel a little awkward

- So... what's wrong with you bike? Not that there's anything wrong with me picking you up, unless you don't want t – she laughed

- It's your fault I don't have my bike – she smiled and I gave her a lifted brow – after examine your bike Gobber asked all of us to leave our bikes there for an upgrade. So I thought it would be only fare for you to give me a ride to test it on the tracks this morning

I could tell she was really excited about it, but when we got there Gobber told us the bikes weren't ready yet

- You know lad I could use your help around the shop. What do you say? Do you want your old job back?

- Sure!

- Great you start first thing Saturday morning! Now shouldn't you guys be at school?

[Astrid POV]

I can't believe I have to spend another day or maybe week without my bike. "well think on the bright side you got harry to give you a ride" I smiled at myself taking a look at him through the corner of my eye. He was looking at the road ahead "he is truly handsome". We got to the parking lot of Berk high in no time.

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