The Singer (A Harry Styles FanFic)

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HEY GUYS! Okay so this, is......well it's a story. I don't really know what to say in these authors notes other than, read the story, enjoy it and vote! Whatever! Okay! Bye now! Oh BTW if you can't see the emojis.......then, I'm sorry. I have no idea what to say to that! Okay! We good! Bye y'all!

- Kayla


"Marlie, you need to calm down. Everything's gonna be okay." My boyfriend, Harry said with a chuckle.

"Harry it's not funny." I said, hitting his arm, trying not to smile.

"Okay okay," Harry looked at me as he kissed my forehead, "it's not funny." He finished, with a huge smile, making his deep dimples appear and his green eyes sparkle.

"I'm just scared Harry. I love him." I replied as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I know Marlie. And I know he loves you too." Harry said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I remember, when I was little, he used to always sit me on his back and Id hang on as tight as I could will he'd act like a bull trying to fling me off." I said as a smile formed in the corner of my mouth.

"You need to see him." Harry said as I looked up at him. Our green eyes met as his sparkled.

"Okay." I nodded as I hugged Harry and we stood up from the bench, and headed to the hospital.

I sat in the front seat of my boyfriends new truck as we rode to the hospital. The radio blasted with loud music as Harry sang along crazily, trying to make me smile. It worked as a small smile fell on my face. Harry grabbed my hand as, One Less Lonely Girl by Justin Bieber came on.

I smiled widely as Harry shook his head, knowing how much I love Justin Bieber, he turned it up as I hummed along with him. Harry sang along as I sat quietly, listening to my boyfriend sing.

I've been around for 15 years and I've never heard a 16 year old boy sing as good as Harry could. I always like listening to him sing. He doesn't like to sing to me a lot but he does just to make me happy.

The song ended as Harry pulled into the parking lot of the hospital.

"Harry, you sing really good!" I said as Harry turned the key as the truck cut off.

"Ya think?" Harry asked, putting the keys into his pocket.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well. Where's singing gonna get me?" Harry asked as he slowly opened the door.

"Where's working at a bakery gonna get you?" I asked as Harry glared at me.

"What? I'm just saying that, you're really good and can make it as a singer." I replied as we got out of the truck and met as we grabbed hands.

"I don't know Marlie. I just have so much on my plate right now." Harry replied as we swung hands, heading to the entrance of the hospital.

"I know. But I see how happy you are when you sing. I like seeing you that happy." I said.

"I know." Harry replied, kissing my forehead as we got to the front desk.


Okay guys!!! That was kinda short, sorry!!!! The next one will be longer and Ill descirbe Marlie's character a little more! So......

I hope you enjoyed it!





- Kayla

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