Chapter 16

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Jade's p.o.v.
I woke up to my alarm clock blaring Green Day, groaning as I slammed my hand on it, shutting it up. I rolled over, nearly falling out of the bed. The sheets tangled around my legs, causing me to eventually stumble out of the bed.

I took a quick shower, washing my hair to try to get myself more awake. I got out and dried my hair quickly, changing into my Metallica tshirt and jeans at the same pace. I added my black high tops and walked to Frank's room, knocking on the door. "Frank, get up you lazy a$$!"

He opened the door, fully dressed, thank God for that. "I've been ready, just waiting for you." I glared, "So you just let me lay there? Why the hell did you do that?!" He shrugged, "I know you've been having nightmares, and you were sleeping good, so I let you lay there."

Ok, now I feel like a b!tch. I mumbled a thanks, heading toward the truck where there was an awkwardly silent ride.

~at school~

I found Gerard standing with Mikey, back facing me, so I decided to sneak up on him. I put my finger to my lips, telling
Mikey not to tell or act like I'm behind Gee. I went running up behind him and jumped onto his back, causing him to stumble a bit before trying to get me off.

"Who are you?! Get the hell off me!" I jumped down, "Fine be that way," I joked and went to stand beside Mikey while he and Frank laughed their a$$es off. Gerard's eyes widened, "Jade! C'mon, I didn't know it was you!" I raised an eyebrow, looking at Mikey for a second, "Alright, I forgive you." I walked over to him, "Besides, I was just messing with ya."

He slung his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Soooo, it'sFebruary now," he began, and I wondered where he was heading with this. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, "Yeah...?" He continued with a smirk, "So that means Valentines Day is coming up....." I finally got the hints and turned to look at him.

"And?" He rolled his eyes playfully, "And there's a dance coming up Friday. Wanna come with me?" I looked up into his hazel eyes, giving me puppy dog eyes, so how could I have even said no in the first place?

"Duh, you dipwad." I flicked his shoulder, smirking as he pretended to be hurt. "Dude come on, I didn't even hit you that hard!" I shook my head, linking my arm with his and continuing down the hallway.

We made it into our first class just as the bell was ringing, Mikey and Frank behind us. Ray waved slightly from across the room, and Ash was just sitting there, not paying attention.

Gee and I took our seats, which of course we sat next to each other, and talked as we waited for the teacher to walk in. After a few minutes, I thought it was kind of strange that he hadn't shown up yet.... Apparently, so did everyone else. What do you think happened? Where do you think he is? Did he get fired or something? We're the things being said all across the room, and to be honest, I was thinking some of the same things.

"This is starting to get kind of weird.... The one teacher I actually kind of liked, and he's just magically disappeared!" Gerard exclaimed quietly, throwing his hands up in the air. I smirked, "Chill out, he's probably just running late or something."

Eventually I got the big spaz to calm down, but when we seen the assistant principal walk in, we knew we were in for a big surprise. "As you all probably know by now, Mr. Baker has left," she began. "And for such a reason as to start a band. That is no good reason to leave this job, and I'm sorry that he's left. Goodbye."

She strutted out, her heels clicking obnoxiously as she walked down the hall. We all sat in stunned silence.... Mr. Baker.... In a band? What.The.Hell. I turned to look at Gerard, who kind of looked like he'd lost his best friend. "Um, Gee? You ok?"

He nodded, "Yep, fine." I narrowed my eyes, no way he was fine.... His voice sounded strained as he said that. "No you're not fine, Mr. Baker was your favorite teacher.... Hell, I think he was everybody's favorite. But at least he's following his dreams... Right?"

I stared straight ahead, letting that sink in. Eventually, he murmured, "You're right, he is following his dreams. "Hopefully one day when, or if, I start a band, I'll get to meet up with him again." I punched his shoulder lightly, "Don't doubt yourself! You'd be surprised at how accepting these labels are now."

~summer of 1996~

"Are you sure you want me to go?" Gerard asked for the 50th time today. I laughed, "Go! It's your dream! I'll still be here when you get back. Maybe when you finish your degree in art, you can start a band."

He smiled, but I didn't quite reach his eyes. I smiled sadly, "What's wrong Gee?" He reached for my hand, pulling me towards him on the couch, "I just don't wanna leave you.... I mean, this is the hardest decision I've ever had to make." I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand, "Gerard, it's just art school. You'll be able to visit on breaks, or I could come visit on the weekends if I have time."

He smiled, this time reaching his eyes, "You're right, once again." I smirked, "Now c'mon, you've got one day left before you leave. Wanna have a movie night? Me you Frank, Mikey and Ray?" He nodded, "Yeah, that sounds nice."

So we sat around at my house watching horror movies all night long. And it was scary as hell, but totally worth it.

"I love you," Gerard said, right before he curled up next to me. I returned it, curling up next to him and we fell asleep.

Little did I know, that I wouldn't be seeing him for a long time after that.

Hai guys! Sorry for the lack of updates, but I've been kind of sick plus writers block, so um yeah. Also I'm gonna time skip a few years. Sorry!
Trust me
-Miss Chief

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