Chapter 8

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Gerard's p.o.v.
I heard the annoying beeping of the heart monitor next to me. I don't understand why they couldn't have unhooked it when I woke up, but ok. The nurse walked in, "Oh great! You're up," she grinned, but it made me feel uneasy. "Um, yeah. When can I leave?"

She widened her grin, which was beginning to look evil, "You're not leaving as long as I'm around." Oh no. I frantically pressed the help button as she came closer and closer. She had just sat on the bed when the door burst open. "Allie, get out of here!" The main nurse commanded, causing Allie to glare at her angrily. "Why? He's mine!"

"I don't think so, Sunshine," the main nurse moved over so I could see a very angry Jade. "Who're you?" Allie asked in a rude tone, examining Jade as if she were a bug she could kill. Jade scoffed, "I dunno, who are you? Oh wait, I already know. You're a slutty ditz of a nurse who takes advantage of their patients!"

Allie jumped up and stormed out, the main nurse following her. Jade smiled smugly as the door slammed behind her, "Sup?" I laughed, "Jade Winter I'm glad you're on my side." She laughed, "You better be glad." I smiled and unthinkingly grabbed her hand. She looked down at our hands surprise, and I realized what I had done. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking." I gently grabbed my hand back and she looked over at me.

"What was that for? I don't mind holding hands. I like you, remember?" I smiled as she sat next to me and laid her head on my shoulder, causing my face to heat up. She snuggled up closer, causing my face to get warmer. She laughed, "I love doing that." I smiled in confusion, "Doing what?"

"Making you blush." I laughed, "Wha-what, I'm not blushing." She snickered, "Sure, sure."


Pretty soon afterwards, my mom came in to get me outta this hospital. "Hi Gerard hone- Oh! Who's this?" Jade jumped up, causing my mom to laugh. "Hi Mrs. Way—" before she could continue, my mom stopped her. "You can call me Donna or Mama Way, it doesn't matter. Mrs. Way makes me sound old," she laughed and Jade smiled awkwardly. I gave her a 'I'm sorry about my mom' look and she laughed quietly.

"Well, Donna, I'm Jade Winter. I'm Frank Iero's sister," she introduced herself calmly. "Yeah... You know Frank, Mom," I said in a 'duh' tone and she nodded. "Yes of course I do! He's constantly hanging out at the house! And lately he's been talking about his new sister and now that I've met her, I can honestly see why he won't hush. Finally meeting his long lost sister and her being his best friend— oh my gosh I'm sorry I'm rambling!"

I was hoping she wouldn't embarrass me but..... "So, you're the famous Jade I've heard about from Gerard just as much as Frank." Both of us turned red and my mom just laughed. "Alright, well, Gerard. You're all ready to go," Jade smiled at me when mom wasn't looking and I returned it.

"Alright, well, I better be heading home. Never know if Frank is gonna decide to burn the house down." My mom laughed, "Knowing him I wouldn't put it past him." She shrugged into her jacket, "Well, it was nice meeting you Mrs- Donna. I really gotta get home though. I probably should've called Frank ahead of time though," Mom stared at her in confusion.

"What do you mean hun?" She looked like a deer caught in the headlights, "Um... I don't have a car so Frank is pretty much my ride." Mom would have no part of that, "Well, I can take you to Frank's if you want."

"It's really not a big deal.. It's not that far of a walk," Jade tried to excuse herself. Once again, mom was having no part of that. "No, you can ride with us. Hey Gerard, invite Frank over and they can stay for dinner."


After a sorta awkward car ride, we finally got back to the house. I noticed that Ray's car was here along with Frank's truck. When we got inside, I noticed that Ashley and some other kid named Andy, who looked about 15, was there too. "SURPRISE!!!" They all yelled, making Jade and I jump.

I looked around in surprise, "Mom, did you know about this?" She nodded, "Yep! That's part of the reason why I wouldn't let Jade walk home. The other part of that is because it's too hot to walk that far."

Ashley and the other kid walked over to us, "Hi Jade! It's been a while," he said as he pulled her into a hug. I tried not to get too jealous, but at least he could hug her and no one think anything of it. Plus I really like her so..... Anyway. "Hi, I'm Andy. I uh... I'm Ashley's cousin." Jade smiled slightly, "Hi Andy, I'm Jade, though you probably already figured that out." He laughed, clearly more at ease. "And this is Gerard," she continued. "Um.... Hi. S-sorry I'm nervous around new people, so if I seem rude, it's not your fault. Ask Jade." She nodded, "It's true. But I'm trying to help him with that."

He seemed a little nervous still, but he was mostly over it. Jade leaned her head on my shoulder and reached for my hand. Ray caught sight of it and raised an eyebrow. "Sup guys?" he asked suspiciously. Jade shrugged and removed her hand from mine as she reached up to hug Ray. Once again, I was jealous.

Eventually, Frank came over to talk to us. He pulled me over to the side, "What was up with you and Jade?" I shrugged, "I like her and she said she liked me too...." I stopped myself as his expression went blank. "Dude. That is so COOL! I think it's awesome! But hurt her, and well, I would say I'd hurt you, but I think she'd take care of that herself." I nodded, "Trust me, I'm too afraid to hurt her."

Jade showed up beside me, "What's going on?" She looked between the two of us. "Guys?" I grabbed her hand subtly and squeezed it quickly before letting go again. "I was talking about you two. It's alright. I think it's cool," she smiled over at Frank. "Thanks bro," she punched his shoulder lightly before walking away. He grabbed his shoulder after she walked away, "I know she didn't mean for it to, but that hurt!"

A few hours later, Andy and Ashley had to leave, meaning Ray had to leave too because he was their ride. Not long after, Jade and Frank had to leave too, leaving me here on a lonely Wednesday night. As I stood up to close the door behind them, Jade jumped in front of me. "See ya tomorrow, Gee," she smiled my favorite smile. I returned it, "Yep. Are we still on for Friday at 8?" She nodded, "Of course, why wouldn't we be?" I shrugged and she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around my waist.

At first, I was kind of shocked, but I finally came to my senses and wrapped my arms around her shoulders and she put her head in the crook of my neck. Before one of us could say or do anything, I seen a camera flash. "That turned out well!" I heard my mom say behind us. Jade and I laughed as we pulled away, "Seriously Mom?" She nodded, "Yep! Oh, by the way, your grandma's coming around tomorrow. Jade, if you want to come over, you're more than welcome to. Goodnight!"

I smiled over at her, "You'll like my grandma, she's the sweetest person I know." Jade smiled, "I'm sure of it. Anyway, Frank's waiting for me in the truck, I've gotta go. See you tomorrow Gee." She paused for a second, "Hang on, I wanna try something." Even in the dark, I could tell she was blushing. She put her hands on my shoulders and leaned forward. Before i could figure out what she was doing, she had already done it. She kissed my cheek and said, "Goodnight Gerard." She waved and I waved back in a daze.

"Why worry about tomorrow when you might not make it through today"-Jimmy Blanton (my uncle) I found this in one of his yearbooks. He was so right on that one. (I dunno if he came up with it, but he said it a lot so I'm quoting him on that.) R.I.P., uncle Jimmy. 1/8/60-7/20/15
Sorry about that. I just found the quote today.
*rainbow of dark colors*
Trust me
-Miss Chief

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