Late for school and the popular guy?

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Hey guys this is my second story! hope you guys like it! ^.^


Lily was fast asleep in her bed, still night time when suddenly she started dreaming.

"Have you ever been loved?" said a whisper.

It was pitch black she couldn't see anything except fog surrounding her.

Lily turned around.

"What? W-who's there?" Lily said.

"Have you ever been hugged by someone special?" asked the whisper again.

Lily was terrified, who could this be talking to her in such way?

Until she saw a figure who was walking casually to her,


Footsteps repeating, getting louder by the minute.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Lily shrieked looking all around her but couldnt find a clue on who was talking to her.

She couldnt even tell if it was a man or a Woman.

Until the fog disappeared showing a women who looked like she's in her 40's, she had a slender waist and jewelery all over her neck and wrists, her auburn hair was down to her waist, she was wearing a very tight short dress ending just above the knees sparkling dress.

Lily and the mysterious women stared at each other.

"Who are you?" Lily broke the silence between her and the mysterious women.

Still silence lingered in the air. Lily spoke once more.

"Who are you? what do you want?" and still the women just stand there not saying a single word.

Lily got frustrated until she felt warm hand cup her chin.

Lily was nervous.

"Who is she?,What did she want?, Why is she here?, Wha-"her thoughts were interrupted by a loud mesmerizing scream.

Her eyes wide, the women in front of her was screaming.

Lily tried to break free from the women's grasp she had on her, then starting to put her hands on her ears yelling.


Lily woke up sweating and panting,her right hand was clenching her heart as it beats rapidly.

Her head felt like someone was pounding a hammer on it Repeatedly non stop.

She was trying to register the devastating dream she had minutes ago.

"Who was that women?" she spoke to herself. She looks to her right to find her alarm clock. The time was 8:37am.

She jumped out of her bed running to her Dresser to find clothes.

"I'm late for school I'm late dang it."

as she rushed out of her pajama shirt and her Pajama pants. It felt like hours for her to find just a shirt and pants. Finally she found some.

Starting to slip on a plain black shirt and black skinny jeans with cuts to sow her bare skin alittle bit. She went into the bathroom did her hair, brushed her teeth, put a little mascara on and little gloss on her plump lips. All under 5 minutes. Then raced to get her backpack and ran out the door.

As she opened her gate about to dash then it hit her she forgot to lock her door "dang it Lily lock the door" she muttered to herself.

Once she locked the door she dashed through her gate and ran as fast as her legs could run. She saw the school and walked over the grass.

Her head down still walking fast.

Until she bumped into somebody.

She kinda knocked him down with her, she muttered a "sorry" then looked to see who is was and it struck her.

it was the popular guy in school "Dang it".


Pic of Lily on the side!

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