Meeting the so called "popular guy"

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2nd chapter! woot woot! (^.^) \m/


As I looked to see I also knocked down this so called "popular" guy. I kinda looked at his features he had blackish brownish hair, bangs kinda covered his eyes which made him look mysterious. Or maybe because his head was down.

He had a chiseled jaw line. I saw that he was clenching his teeth. He looked angry. I was still looking at his face when i didn't notice that he was looking at me too.

When i noticed this i instantly shot right up and walked away from him.

I walked to the school office and I saw a usual women i see every time i was late i didn't know her name but i would always greet her by miss.

"Ahh Lily your late again you missed 2 class periods" said Miss.

"I know i know my alarm didn't seem to work today." She then got up and gave me a piece of paper that she always seem to give me when i'm late. "explain why you were late." the paper said. It gave me tons of lines.

So I stood and grabbed those fake flower pens and started writing "my alarm clock wasn't working." then gave her the paper. Then she put it into the "late excuses" bin on her desk and came back to give me my excused pass. I

thanked her then wondered off to my 3rd hour class which was gym.

Once i arrived my best friend Abigail (Abby) came sprinting over to me.

"Lily what happened i didn't see you in 1st or 2nd period?" she had a worried look on her face.

"i kinda overslept but nothing seriou. I had a dream about a women that i have never seen before and she was screaming in my face then i woke up freaked out then i looked at my alarm clock and saw that i was late." i explained to her.

"Well come on we have to do push ups." Abby assured to me.

"Okay let me go get changed" I said. I was heading towards the girls locker room. I opened it and went inside to find my locker.

Once i did i opened the combination lock and took out my Gym clothes. they were plain white shirt and jogging pants.

Since nobody else was here i just started changing. When i finished i put my school clothes in my locker and locked it.

As for my backpack they had lockers for them to and i put my backpack in its locker locked it and walked out of the girls locker room.

I got out of there i walked over to where Abby was and sat down next to her while she was doing push ups. I decided to join her.

"Hey Lily i bet you $20 that ill do more push ups than you?" Abby spoke. i turned my head to look at her and  smirked at her.

"bring it on." i said.

Abby and i did over 56 push ups she was trying to do it once more but collapsed and i did one more push up and won the bet.

Abby looked at me.

"N-no, i w-want a rematch." i looked at her she looked exhausted like she was about to faint.

"Are you okay, Abby?" i asked her.

"yea I'm fine just tired." she said panting lightly then fainted.

"Abby!" i screamed.

Everyone came and stared at Abby while she was on the ground.

"Coach I'm taking Abby to the nurse." i exclaimed with a worried expression plastered on my face. The coach came.

"Okay go ahead." she told me pointing her index finger to the door.

I carried Abby to the nurse walking onto the soft grass. Crushing their pointy tips. Sticking to the ground.

Once I arrived I had trouble opening the door.

Mostly because i was carrying Abby bridal style.

So i knocked on the door with my foot kinda loud and the door opened to reaveal the nurse heavily panting. "i think i scared her"  I thought trying to hold my laughter.

I went in the nurse told me to put Abby on the bed.

"Make sure to go back to class okay Lily." the nurse said looking at her computer.

"Yes ma'am" i said and went to put Abby. i turned around bout to leave when i saw another person on the second bed.

it was that popular guy i bumped into earlier.

"strange seeing you here.." i muttered to myself.

As i started to leave once again.

"Yea you gave me quite push earlier." he said. i froze and turned around to look at him.

he was sitting up on the bed.

"It was an accident. I didnt see where I was going." I put my head down.

"Yea next time look where you are going. Lily." he said as he got up and walked out of the nurses office. I stood there shocked "how does he know my name?" i thought.

I finally moved and went to the nurse who gave me a pass.

I took it and walked out to see him.


Cliff Hanger!

I finally finished this! how was it? leave a comment below!

Pic of Abby on the right!

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