using him

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Jamie walked to a mirror then stared at his reflection. "Who am I?" He touched his face. "Am I Jamie?" He saw his eyes flash black. "or am I a monster?" Wolfy saw Jamie then walked to him. "Lad are ye okay?" Jamie graved Wolfy by her shoulders. "Am I a monster?!" Wolfy stepped back. "Lad why would ye say that?" He looked at his hands. "I don't know who I am." Wolfy stared at him. "Lad ye are Jamie." He tightened his hands. "or am I the monster everyone fears!?" Wolfy gasped as Jamie's eyes turned black then fire circled around him. Wolfy ran then Foxy saw her. "lass!" Jamie was floating after Wolfy throwing anything in his way. Foxy ran after Jamie trying to protect Wolfy. Wolfy kept running then Jamie threw fire in front of her. She stopped then turned around. "Lad." Jamie smiled at her. "what Wolfy." Wolfy stepped back then almost fell. "I know ye miss Mari but hurting other animatronics doesn't help." Jamie tightened his fist then put it up. "You don't know me." He put up his hand then fire appeared out of it. He threw off his glasses then Wolfy caught them. "No more James." Wolfy ran under him then ran past Foxy. Foxy ran with Wolfy as she tucked the glasses into her pocket. "Lass what is happening?!" Wolfy ignored him then kept running. Jamie chased them throwing fire. Goldie was sitting in a room with his tools and Mari. He looked at the body. "I couldn't fix you." He rubbed the wrench he had. "Foxy took out important wires that you needed." She laid on the table lifeless. Goldie felt like she was listening to him. "I'm sorry Mari." He put a sheet over her then left the room. Wolfy ran past him yelling "Run!" Foxy ran behind her. "Lad run!" Goldie saw Jamie coming then he ran. Wolfy ran under the stage. Autumn was sitting under the stage with Firefly. Firefly was a wolf with white fur but the fur on top of her head was pink. Wolfy closed the little door that led in their catching her breath. Foxy was leaning against the wall, his head was pressed against the top. Wolfy was holding her knees. "Lass are ye okay?" Autumn hugged her bear. "Why wouldn't we be?" Wolfy stretched out her tail. "Jamie is crazy, it isn't even the real Jamie that we know." Autumn hugged Firefly. "He is going to hurt us!?" Wolfy shook her head no. Autumn sighed then leaned on Firefly. Goldie hid with Springtrap. Everyone was hiding from Jamie. Even though it wasn't him. The contract stated he could let Soul do whatever he wants with him. Jamie didn't read it. He was consumed with jealousy. Jealousy had made Jamie blind. Wolfy peeked out then saw Jamie the fire grew bigger. He looked in the mirror. "I am......" Wolfy watched him. "A monster." As he said that his teeth went sharper and he slicked his hair back. He looked like Soul but it was still Jamie. Just......different. He smiled in the mirror then Wolfy ran out after him. She jumped up then slipped the glasses on him. The glasses messed up the whole image. He looked more like Jamie now. Soul hated it he tried to take off the glasses but Jamie put his hand over them. "I look like, me." He smiled then the fire went out and he landed on the ground. Wolfy looked at him. "Lad is it ye?"

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