Jamie's sunshine

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Soul sat still with one chain wrapped around him. "My ruler I am sorry that I didn't finish it." His ruler looked down at him. "why didn't you finish?" Soul looked eye to eye with his ruler knelt on one knee. "He has protection my ruler." His ruler rolled his eyes then pointed to the door. "Leave and take care of him by the end of the week." Soul bowed then walked out of the room smiling. Foxy sat at the end of the stage feeling worried. "What if the lass doesn't like me anymore." Foxy put his head in his hand then sighed. "I wish I could be perfect for her. Soul heard Foxy's wish then popped in front of him smiling. Foxy looked at Soul then stood up. "Who are ye?" Soul swung his cane then leaned on it. "I am Soul." Soul put out his hand for Foxy to shake. Foxy put his hook in Soul's hand then shook. Soul smiled "so you have a wish I heard?" Foxy nodded then opened his mouth to speak. "I will grant it." Foxy smiled then kinda jumped. "Really lad? Ye would do that for me?" Soul nodded then put out his hand. As it went on fire Foxy's face lit up. Foxy shook his hand then Soul went inside him. Soul laughed then took off the chain and put it on Foxy. Foxy fell from the weight then was pinned down. Soul laughed at him then took control. He walked down the halls then saw a child alone. He walked over to the child that he towered over. The child looked up then waved. He smiled then raised his hook in the air. The child screamed then Mari heard and bolted over that way. He swung at the child then Mari caught his arm. Thee child hugged onto Mari tightly. He jerked his arm away then Mari ran away with the child. He chased after them fast. Mari put the child in a safe place then Jamie ran to her. "Mari what is happening!?" Mari saw Soul/Foxy running towards them. Just as she pointed they jumped out of the way. Foxy/Soul rammed into a table breaking it in half. Mari ran quickly but Foxy/Soul threw her into a table. Jamie stayed still against the wall. Something was happening everything got blurry then he heard someone singing. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine you make me happy." Everything started to be clear. "When the skies are grey." It was sunny a figure was appearing. "Please don't take my sunshine away." It was Mari she was smiling. Then everything turned back to normal. Mari was in front of Jamie with her arms out wide. She didn't move. Jamie looked up then saw a hook being put through her chest. Jamie looked up in horror as her hair turned white and her body went limp. Her face looked stunned then Foxy/Soul pulled her body off off his hook. Jamie started to breath hard as tears fell. Foxy/Soul just smiled and pulled off the wires. "You see kid. Heroes don't survived here. Like her." Jamie growled then tackled Foxy and started to hit him nonstop. Foxy/Soul yelled as Jamie hit. Then Freddy came and pulled Jamie off of him. Jamie cried more and more when Freddy pulled him away then Chica grabbed him. BB ran to Mari then started to shake her. "Mari?" Freddy stared in shock. Jamie was being held back but he was kicking and squirming. "He needs to pay!"

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