The return

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Jamie smiled then stopped. "All we need is the body of Mari." Soul nodded then made it appear. There was still a hole in her chest. Jamie graved her then put her on a table. Soul put goggles on and so did Jamie. Jamie connected wires and cables to Mari then he walked back. Jamie signaled for Soul to pull the lever, Soul pulled it then electricity surged through the machine sparking. Jamie kept his eyes locked on Mari. Soul cranked up the power. A spark flew onto Jamie. He just patted it down then watched as Mari started to move. Soul smiled as his plan unfolded right in front of Jamie. He turned off the power then Jamie ran to Mari. He took off all of the wires eager to see his sister again. "Mari?" Her eyes shot open. "Jamie?" Jamie took off his goggles then hugged Mari. Soul watched as Mari's eyes turned black. Tears fell down Jamie's cheeks as he hugged Mari. "Mari," She looked around as Jamie hugged her. "you don't know how much I have missed you," She put her arms around Jamie then hugged her. "How many nights I haven't slept without you," Her pupils turned red. "How many people have been missing you." Mari smiled then stood up. "Why wouldn't people miss me?" Jamie saw her eyes then gasped. She stared at Jamie. "So lets go little bro." Jamie smiled bigger then led his sister out of the house. "Bye Soul!" Soul waved at Jamie as he left snickering. Her pupils were still red when they walked through the portal. Foxy had dragged Wolfy out of portal. They sat by it. "There is something wrong here." Jamie came through the portal with Mari following him. Wolfy stood still as she saw Mari walk through the portal. Foxy gasped then looked at Jamie. "Miss me?" Wolfy kept staring then rubbed her eyes. "This cant be." Mari smiled then Foxy ran away. He ran into a the party room. Freddy looked at Foxy. "What happened?!" Foxy was breathing hard. "The lass. Mari is back!" Everyone rushed to where Mari was. BB stood beside Foxy. "Its Mari!" Mari looked at them all as her pupil glowed red. Goldie looked at her chest, the hole was gone. "How is this even possible?!" Jamie looked at the portal as it closed. "Everyone I have brought back Mari from death." Jamie stood proudly beside Mari as she hugged Wolfy.

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