Reflections and Realizations: the pause

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Summary: Once Upon a time, love paused, then it continued, but it is only during the pause that you truly realise that you feel empty without the other

Author's note:

this piece is mainly my thoughts. I guess it uses negatively connotated words and depressing concepts to illustrate the positivities, perfections, and imperfections. Don't take this the wrong way its a beautiful story and it will continue to be


For a while I nearly edited a new photo to replace Are Loving: Present Progressive to Past: Reminisced. 

It has been like a typical tragedy, a sad romance. Like the movies, it began with a good start got better and then everything crumbled suddenly. Let's just say this movie is love. I have no idea when it will end, like movies are unpredictable. And it was during the climax of the movie that I thought was the conclusion, the death. It was during the shattered heart, lies, manipulation, broken promises, and disloyalty which I found myself deserted. It was the end, but it wasn't. It's just a pause in the movie, at the climax, at the feud, which led me to believe that the full stop had been put. But someone had accidentally pressed a pause button. We were lost. I was lost.  What does it take to rekindle a spark? Distance. Time. Emptiness. The type that you miss what has been forgotten. The type that you know will etch a scar where it hurts. The type that feels like endless waves drowning you again and again threatening to push you into despair. It was only then that I realised what it feels like "without." I didn't just lose him. I lost myself. It's only when you are freezing and numbed do you acknowledge the warmth that once existed. Maybe this movie can become a comedy, if happily ever afters exist (Comedy as in ending happily, not as in sth really funny). I hope that this movie is only paused once, and the climax has passed. I really can't say. Love is beautifully crafted, unpredictable, and built on trust. It's so fragile, yet the bond is indestructible. In a way, it's a movie with endless possibilities and without a definite full stop. It's after this pause that I truly realised and appreciated what it feels like to be complete, unlike a puzzle missing a few jigsaw pieces. 

Love is 99% trust, forgiveness, acceptance, happiness, and respect. Yet, 1% is doubt. The reason I write about doubt is because the positive aspects of love are so eerily beautiful that it can't be entirely portrayed through words. It takes a wonderfully skilled writer to pinpoint the unforgettable moments of each emotion. If I can't illustrate it properly, I don't. It's not fair for a perfect heart to be distorted by the unsophisticated art skills of its painter. It's unjust.

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