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When you blame yourself

I rot like a festering sore

But when you suddenly fault me for something not my doing

I die from the wounds of a backstabber.

It's easiest to blame things on others, yet it is especially painful to know when someone so dear so close let the burden fall on you when it obviously had nothing to do with...anything. It leads you to wonder whether trust is actually there and whether the other is a selfish backstabber who will give you the blame when it falls on them. For example, it is idiotic and blind to blame the teacher for not teaching well enough, after cheating on a test because you don't know the answers. This applies to everything pretty much. Keep the blames and faults down and the compliments and gratitudes up. Some things can not be blamed.

4/06/2016 01:07:25 AM

Are Loving: Present ProgressiveWhere stories live. Discover now