A Warm Tide

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Is it just me?

Or is it real?

Everytime you speak, the bell at the back of my mind tingles

Even the slightest gesture

Melts my heart

I don't flush or blush,

Well that's a relief

But one look and I'll faint from happiness

Is it always like this?

Love, I mean.

It's sweet.

It's warming.

It's heart melting, I'd say

Not the dangerously cool hookup in movies

Not the mushy kissy scenes

But the flooding of a tide

A warm tide I mean.

When you talk, I blush secretly

if my innards can blush

When you glance my way

my heart pounds at my throat

When you smile

the whole world crumbles, leaving us, and us alone

When you brush against me

the tenderness of the touch lingers on my skin

I know you'll never know

of my longing for you

I'm just one in a million

Not too smart

Not too pretty

Not too special

Just a typical typical girl

Are Loving: Present ProgressiveWhere stories live. Discover now