Chapter 1 : Introduction

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Everyone has their story. Everyone possesses secrets about themselves that they don't want to share.

Everyone has something they hide from everyone. Well, here's some of mine.

I've always knew I was different. When I was little I was taught to live by social norms, just like all the other trapped souls wondering aimlessly around me.

I was expected to grow up, marry a good woman, have two or three children, and have a decent job.

My parents never really showed any signs of being homophobic, but I never questioned it.

I always knew something was different about me since I was young. I remember being in public holding my mom's hand and passing by boys that I thought was 'cute.'

I remember watching boys walk by me and I would mentally label them. I would point out their most attractive feature.

I never thought much about it, I was no more than six years old. I never once questioned my sexuality.

Heck, I was six. I didn't have a clue what sexuality was, all I knew was that I was supposed to like girls.

My life was confusing. I was so young, thinking of things way before my time. I was self conscious about how I was easily attracted to boys.

I never once had a crush on the girl that all the boys at the playground pinned over. No, I knew I was different, but I didn't fully understand how just yet.

By my seventh birthday I was still struggling with my weird feelings, but I ignored them. I was doing good until my stupid neighbor moved in.

That feeling of confusion swept over me with so much force that I went dizzy.

I remember looking into my new neighbors eyes. They were stunning. They wasn't light blue like water reflecting light in a pool, they weren't green like emeralds, they were hazel.

I remember feeling aww struck as I watched the boy in front of me smile. He was slightly taller than me, and his smile was sickeningly beautiful. That's exactly why I picked up a handful of sand from my turtle sandbox and threw it in his face.

I heard, "Hi, my name's Josh." and then when the sand hit his face he spluttered and spit sand while wiping at his face. His nose scrunched up in anger as he yelled at me.

"You're a big meanie!," he yelled and also stated various other primary insults.

See, I never was liked by kids my age. I was homeschooled because of my severe anxiety and sensitivity.

I was young and scared of the big bad world. All it takes is an anger filled voice yelling at me, and I become a sobbing, wheezing ball on the floor.

Yelling scares me more than anything, and well with Josh making me feel confused and weird I wanted to scare him off. I wanted to be left alone with no friends to lose. I wanted to protect myself, so I threw sand in his face.

When he yelled at me I instantly fell to the ground clutching my knees and hiding my face. I sobbed and struggled to breathe as they boy stared at me in sorrow.

"I'm sorry! I'll go get help."  Josh ran to my door to get my parents. He was new and didn't know me. He didn't know my parents, or anything about us. I threw dirt in his face for goodness sakes, and here he was knocking on a stranger's door to help them receive help they obviously didn't deserve.

I think that's when I truly accepted Josh as my friend.  My mom calmed me down and I apologized; Josh also apologized even though he wasn't at fault. We smiled at each other and I felt a warm tingly feeling spread throughout my body.

I officially introduced myself and he suggested we become friends. My parents walked us across the yard and greeted Josh's parents.

As our parents introduced themselves and talked, Josh and I played in the yard.

We were playing tag and he was pouting because I was just too fast for him.

We played until the sun started setting and the street lamps illuminated a soft orange glow against the ugly concrete road. Our parents called us home and we all said our goodbyes.

Josh and I promised to play again tomorrow as soon as we woke up. Our parents laughed at our excitement of making a new friend, but they were happy for us.

That's my story of how I met my best friend. That's a major part of my story itself. It was the day I gained a reminder of just how different I really was.

So, what do you guys think so far? 

I'm going to do a Q&A at the end of every chapter so we can learn more about each other.

Q: OTP's?

A:Joshler, Muke, Phan, Troyler,  Zalfie, Tiva, Peterick, Jalex, Brallon, Densi, Braston, and Dalex (Danny and Alex from LondonSpy. This ship name is not official, but I created one soo.)
I can't think of anything more  right now. It's currently 11:17 pm and Tyler Joseph's voice is lulling me to sleep.

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