Chapter 17: Puppy Dog Eyes and Puppy Dog Thighs

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I just love your puppy dog eyes, I wanna be between your puppy dog thighs.
"Josh, you literally haven't left my house since your dad left for his visit." I joke.

"Fine! Do you want me to leave? I just wanted to spend time with you, but if you don't fricking want that than I'll just leave!" He semi-yells with a straight face.

"Wow. Okay, no need to attack me there buddy," I laugh and he joins me.

"People probably think we hate each other sometimes," he says looking up at me.


"So, Josh, my mom said I have to babysit Pandora today."

"Pandora is your cousin right?" He asks knitting his eyebrows.

"Yeah, she's only five. She's as cute as a button, but she's Satan in a child," I laugh leaning into his shoulder.

"Mhm, should we go downstairs and wait for her to arrive?" He says kissing my cheek.

"Mhm, carry me?"

"M'course princess," he smiles at me picking me up bridal style.

"I prefer 'baby boy'," I mumble and he laughs walking out of my bedroom with me in his arms.

"Whatever you want baby boy," he whispers in my ear when we reach the bottom of my stairs.

He walks us to the living room and I jump out of his grip grabbing him by his shirt collar and pulling him close.

"Mhm, I've been a very good boy daddy," I whisper in his ear. The foreign feeling on my tongue as I say such things causing me to get anxious.

I pull away and bite my lip as I look up at him through my eyelashes.

"I should reward you then, baby boy," he growls and pulls me close.


He pushes me backwards and I land on the couch; with Josh falling on top of me.

He attacks my neck with sloppy open mouth kisses as I crane my neck giving him access.

I moan and pull him up to kiss me on the lips. He bites my bottom lip and pulls at it causing me to moan louder.

"So beautiful baby boy," he praises.

"Mhm Josh-" I moan as a knock is heard at my door.

"Frick," I whisper slipping from underneath Josh and answering the door.

"Ty-Ty," the blonde girl squeals happily running at me full speed.

"Pandy!" I squeal back leaning down to pick up the blonde child hugging my knees.

"Thank you so much ,Tyler, you're a life saver! I'll be back from my interview in an hour. See you then," my aunt says quickly and kissing both mine and Pandora's cheek before strutting down the stairs in her black heels.

I shut the door and turn around as Pandora jumps from my arms giving me a heart attack.

"Hi, I'm Pandy." She said giving Josh her crooked, gapped smile.

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