Twin size Mattress

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With tears in my eyes I begged you to stay, you said, "hey man I love you, but no fucking way.

I'm just lying in bed dreading getting up. Getting up means I have to acknowledge that I'm living.

Acknowledging that I'm alive means I have to acknowledge that I'm hurt.

Acknowledging hurt means registering pain, and as of now I'm in a lot of psychological pain.

Psychological pain is, in my opinion, the worst pain to exist. You can't take pain relievers and release the pain. You can't go to a doctor and get procedures to heal yourself. Nope all you can do is feel emotionally weighed down by every passing thought.

I can see the drizzle of rain that's lazily pouring down as the sun peaks out above a dark grey cloud and I groan.

"Wake the fuck up bitch we have a party to attend tonight!" Brendon shouts as he appears from my bathroom with a towel around his shoulders, and hair still damp.

"What time is it?" I question lazily as I snuggle back into my blanket.

"6:30 the party's at 7:30 so go get ready. You said you wanted to get drunk, I'm going to get you totally shit faced."

I smile lazily and trudge to my bathroom as I strip off of my clothes and step into the shower; turning it on.

The water is mildly warm and I mentally curse Brendon for using almost all the hot water.

I rinse off quickly before the water got too cold and hurriedly dried off. I walk to my closet in just my boxers and decide to wear my dark grey leggings and a floral top. I slip on my floral vans and look for Brendon.

"Urine infection where you at?" I yell through my house and soon I hear him run up my stairs.

"Excuse me? Did you just call me 'urine infection'?

"Well... yeah."

"Okay well what if I called you screaming bean boy?"

"Aww that's cute actually," I smile at him and bat my eyelashes as he laughs.

"You're so fucking weird," he snorts.

"Yeah, well let's go."

He nods and heads down stairs with me close behind. I avoid looking towards Josh's house as I climb into the passenger side of Brendon's car.

"So who's party is this anyways?" I ask looking out the window at the swirling trees.

"Pete's and Patrick's"

I nod and continue staring out of the window until we slow down and everything quits swirling as we pull into a crowded drive way.

"This is so sick!" I exclaim as I look around at all the flashing lights and the bodies dancing without a care.

This is what I want, no, this is what I need.

I waste no time going towards the party as Brendon slips his arms around me and pulls me close while guiding me.

"Brendon, dude, over here man."

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