Chapter 13: Wrapped Up

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When I look in your eyes, there's no way that I can disguise all these crazy thoughts in my mind now.

I wake up to Josh smiling at me. If it would have been any one else I would have been freaked out. Was he watching me sleep? If so why? I'm an ugly sleeper. Oh god....

"Morning baby boy," he grins even wider and leans into peck my lips.

"Mhm, I like it when you call me that," I say smiling at him and cuddling into his chest.

"Baby boy?"

"M'yeah. It's really cute."

"You're such a dork, babe," he snorts and I laugh along with him.

"That's baby boy to you," I laugh as he smiles at me.

I look out my window to see the sunlight pouring through my cracked blinds and see it's already blinding bright and zero clouds are seen.

"Mhm, what time is it?"

"It's about 12:45 a.m.," he says lazily yawning and stretching his arms.

"Did my parents even come to check on me?"

"Yeah, me and Kelly talked about how much you snore for like ten minutes."

"Hey! I do not snore." I say smacking his chest as he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, okay, whatever you say," he says and we both laugh.

"Let's go brush our teeth." I say after a few minutes of laughing.

He silently follows me into my small bathroom and I walk with a limp.

"My butt hurts," I pout at Josh as he laughs at me.

"Mhm, I'd say so."

"Harder Josh"
"Oh god Josh faster, please."
"Right there Josh."

He mocks in a voice that's supposed to sound like my own. My face grows crimson as he laughs at me.

"Shut up," I mumble meekly as I start brushing my teeth.

"Aww, is my baby boy embarrassed?"

I ignore him as I brush my teeth and try to hum a song at the same time.

I quickly realized humming does not mix well with brushing your teeth, so I opted to stay completely silent while brushing my teeth.

I rinse with my mouthwash and walk to my bedroom to quickly pull a pair of sweats over my boxers and limp to my bed.

I lay back on the soft mattress and close my eyes.

"Tyler, are you seriously ignoring me?" He pouts and walks towards me.

I stay silent and lay completely still.


Still I lay there motionless.

He straddles my hips and I hear him type his password into his phone.

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