Chapter 1~ Basketball

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Cas was sitting, engulfed in the sound sneakers against a gym floor and the low mumble of people around him. The bleachers were packed that game, since it was the state championship. Out of the corner of his eyes, Cas saw the group of popular kids sitting in the corner laughing at some meaningless joke. Cas knew this game was all pointless but he went anyways, with some persuasion from his best friend Charlie. She liked to be involved in that type of stuff. He saw her in the corner taking pictures for the school yearbook. It was her favorite club. Cas didn't care to be involved with any of that kind of stuff or clubs in particular. Cas blinked back to reality and realised he was staring at Dean Winchester, his eyes darted at Cas and seemed to pierce through his soul. Cas quickly averted his eyes to the game. Soon, the end of the game came and the buzzer screamed through the auditorium. Lots of people filed out, some stayed and chatted with the players or others in the crowd. Cas glanced at the group of kids and saw them all leaving through the double doors. All of a sudden, he turned around and winked at Cas. Cas' cheeks blazed and he suddenly stood there, unable to move. Luckily, Charlie clapped him on the back
"What up Bitch, how bout' that game huh?"
Cas snapped back and replied
"Oh, yes, it was quite thrilling, its great that we finally won for a change."
Charlie laughed and added
"Yeah, wanna go by the Burger Hut and grab a cheeseburger?"
"Oh yeah, sure, I'll drive."
They walked out of the school and Cas climbed into his car. They drove off in silence, occasionally making quick remarks about the game, but all Cas could think about was the wink, for some reason, he couldn't stop thinking about his beautiful green eyes, his blonde hair and the way he carried himself, like he had no care in the world. Before he knew it, they had arrived at the burger place. They walked out of the car and went inside. Cas just suddenly stopped in the middle of the doorway. It was him, but he was alone. Charlie checked her phone, she looked at Cas and said
"Oh Chuck Cas, I'm sorry, my mom just said I need to head home, I wish I could stay but she says she's stuck in her new tanning bed and needs help. My dads gonna pick me up so don't worry about me getting home. See ya tomorrow!"
Cas waved and went to order. He grabbed his food and sat at the opposite side of the room from him. Cas sipped from his soda and nibbled from his burger. He wasn't all that hungry, Cas didn't even know why he ordered food. Cas sat there silently listening to the bland music that only fills the silence. He heard footsteps and the screeching of shoes against the tile floor. Cas glanced over to see the guy named Dean sauntering over to where he sat. He fell into the booth bench across from him and let out a low grumble. Cas sat up and fixed his sweater. Dean mumbled
"Easy tiger, this ain't no job interview."
Cas rolled his eyes and brought his drink to his lips and sipped on his drink awkwardly not knowing what to do. The boy across from Cas bit his bottom lip then licked his lips.
"So, tell me about yourself, Cas, Its Cas right?"
Cas nodded and sighed a little. He couldn't believe this was actually going down. Cas proceeded
"Well, what do you want to know?"
Dean answered
"Like um, where do you come from?"
"If you want to know, I come from here, New Jersey."
"Hm, neat."
"Um, not meaning to be rude or anything but why are you sitting next to me at a random burger place and talking to me when we have never communicated ever?"
"Oh well, I just thought it'd be nice to meet new people and socialize"
Cas raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes. This boy is a peculiar thing. Cas realised that he had finished his food. He excused himself and walked over to the soda machine to refill his drink. Countless things were running through his mind but he kept them all in. Cas walked back to his booth and sat down and said
"It's getting late, I think I should go."
Cas got up and headed towards the door. Dean got up and trailed close behind him. Cas got outside and the sharp cold air hit his cheeks. Dean gently grabbed his arm and Cas turned around rubbing his arms, it was really cold. Dean looked up then down Cas and asked
"I was wondering if, y'know, I could have your number?"
He looked down sheepishly and licked his perfect lips. Cas blushed and shrugged. Cas grabbed his hand and led Dean to his car. He ripped a sticky note from his pad and scribbled down his number. Cas handed it to Dean. Dean took an awkward step closer and kissed Cas on the cheek. Cas' cheeks burned as Dean shuffled over to his bike, mounted it and sped off. Cas smiled and fell into his car sighing. Cas mindlessly drove back to his house. His mind kept trailing off to Dean. His beautiful lips, his white teeth and oh, those breath taking green eyes. He was so irresistible. Cas had no idea that he was gay though. He thought all popular kids were strait. Cas was so in depth with his thinking that he didn't notice that he was veering to the other side of the road, the sound of a semi truck horn startled him back from dreaming fast enough so he can gain control over the wheel and get back to the other side of the road. His heart almost leaped out of his chest. Cas tried to pay attention to what he was doing, but that flawless face would not leave his thoughts. Cas finally arrived at his house. He fumbled for his keys and unlocked the door and stumbled in. Inside, his mom was passed out on the couch. It must have been one of her late days at the bar. She was a waitress and worked hard to pay for her and Cas. He lugged over to his mom and kissed her on the forehead. Cas then walked down to his room in the basement. He knew his mom loved him a lot and always wanted the best for him. Ever since his dad left them, its just been the two of them. Cas threw off his sweater and peeled off his jeans. He jumped into the bathroom and started the hot water, it took a while to heat up so Cas picked up his clothes and threw them in the clothes hamper. Cas went back into the bathroom, rolled off his boxers and hopped in the shower. The warm water felt nice compared to the cold air outside. As Cas was rinsing off his hair, he heard a knocking. Not on the door but like it was coming from the window. He turned off the water, threw on a towel and went to investigate the odd noise. He thought it was just Charlie checking on him or asking him for homework answers, but when he looked out the window, a wide, white, familiar smile was looking back at him. It was Dean. Cas tightened the towel around his waist and unlocked the window latches. He then slid open the window, but not without some troubles and screeches coming from it. Cas lifted it all the way up and looked up at the green eyed boy with confusion. He was wearing a wide, wolf smile as he said
"Hey there!"
Cas beckoned him in since Dean was shaking and snowflakes covered his hair. He crawled in and slammed on to the carpet. He groaned a little then hopped up smiling. Cas spoke up
"Um Dean, what are you doing here and how did you find my house?"
Dean closed the window shut and walked over to Cas' bed, sitting and folding his hands together. Dean answered
"Well um, you see, my bike broke down about a street down from your place and I saw your car in this drive way. I figured this was your house since, y'know, my bike"
Cas sighed and rubbed his face. It was too late for this kind of crap. Dean stared at Cas' lips while his tongue rested halfway past his teeth. Cas said
"Ok, so what do you suppose we do?"
Dean shook his head and shrugged. Cas frowned and walked to his bathroom. He threw on some boxers, jeans and a sweater.
"Ok, what now Dean?"
"Uh, I haven't really planned this part out. I didn't think this was your house and, I didn't plan on you letting me in."
Cas rolled his eyes and suggested
"Ok, maybe we can push you bike to my house since its just a street down, right?"
Dean nodded and pulled on his leather jacket. Cas grabbed his coat and shrugged it on. Cas started up the stairs and Dean followed close behind. Cas saw that his mom wasn't on the couch and the TV was turned off. She must have went to her bedroom. Cas opened the door and closed it behind Dean. They jogged to the sidewalk and started toward Deans bike.
Cas shoved his hands in his pockets, it was freezing. As he exhaled, his breath was visible. Dean chuckled a little
"What A Great time for my bike to give up on me eh?"
Cas horsed out a laugh. Dean pointed in front of them at a figure.
"Hey, I think that's my bike."
They got to the motorcycle. Cas looked it over and Dean added
"Well, we push from here."
He smiled and held to the rear of the bike. Cas leaned into it. They both started pushing. It wasn't as heavy as Cas expected it to be. Cas was pushing when he heard slipping and all of a sudden Dean was planted in the slush cold. Cas suppressed a laugh and Dean whimpered a little. Cas felt bad for him and helped heave him from the ground. Dean stood and wiped slush from his shirt. His face was red and his entire body was wet and shaking. Cas patted his shoulder and they continued pushing. Soon enough with both of them trudging through the snow and slush, they arrived at the house in 15 minutes. They hauled the motorcycle in the garage and stomped the wet off their shoes. It was nice and warm in Cas' house. Dean whispered
"So um, where are your folks?"
Cas replied
"Oh, my mom is probably off sleeping in her room."
"Ah, of course."
They scurried downstairs. Cas threw himself in his chair. Dean shivered like crazy but still forced a smile. Cas immediately stopped
"Oh God, I'm sorry, would you like to take a shower and get some warm clothes on?"
Dean shrugged and Cas led him to the bathroom. Cas left and shut the door behind Dean. He heard wet clothes smacking on the ground and the shower starting up. Cas smiled like and idiot and just sat there thinking.

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