Chapter 7~Rent

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A week had passed and their lease ended. They were excited because they already signed papers for the new apartment. On Saturday, Dean and Cas would be moving. Dean ran upstairs to meet Cas in the couch. Boxes were everywhere and the house was empty. Soul Train was turned on the TV, it was Cas' favorite show. Dean slouched on one end of the couch and Cas crawled over to him and sat between his legs with his back leaning against Dean.
"Are you excited for tomorrow, Cas?"
"Yeah, I guess, although its gonna be like kind of sad since I've lived here all my life."
Dean kissed Cas' temple.
"Sorry bout' that babe."
Cas shrugged
"I'll get over it."
Dean laughed.
"Hey, but don't throw it away."
Cas shrugged.
"You wanna just chill today?"
"Yeah, that sounds good. It's a little cold."
Cas nodded
"I'll fix that angel."
Dean wrapped his arms tight around Cas and held him with his legs close. Cas grabbed a blanket and threw it over them.
"Hey Cas, turn around."
Cas turned around towards him. Dean kissed his mouth in a warm embrace. Cas loved it when Dean did that. Cas pulled away and said playfully
"Can you let me watch my God Damn show?"
Dean laughed
"Sure, I'll let you watch your shit."
Cas scowled at him and curled up closer to Dean. Deans arm fell around Cas and he squeezed him close.
"Will you pay attention to me instead of that show?"
Cas chuckled.
Cas flipped over and propped his elbows on Deans chest and held his head in his hands.
"Awe, my little baby."
Cas blushed.
"You have my attention."
"Okay, do you sort of wanna go camping, when we're finished moving in and settled?"
Cas' face lit up
"Yes! We could use a vacation!"
Dean smiled and Cas kissed his lips.
"I love you so fuckin' much."
"Me too."
"I'm hungry."
"Yeah, me too, baby."
"You want me to go get us some food, Dean?"
Dean shrugged. Cas started to get up but Dean pulled him back down.
"No... It's cold."
Cas wrapped his arms around Deans waist and rested his head on his chest. Dean smiled and rubbed the back of Cas' head.
"I love my little angel."
"I love you too."
"We're such lazy asses."
"Yeah, who cares?"
"No one.... No one really cares about anything we do, unless it's loving each other."
Cas nodded.
"Yeah... It's depressing."
Dean sighed.
"You know what's funny?"
"We're both only in T-shirts and boxers."
"Yup, that's how our lazy days go."
"Hey, Cas, when do you start your new job?"
"Which one?"
"Uh, the one at that publishing company."
"Oh yeah, I start Monday. So, we'll have plenty of time to settle in."
"Cool, I get back to work on Tuesday, so when you're gone, I'll do some shopping and work around the apartment."
"Cool, sounds like a plan."
Cas got up and Dean whimpered.
"I'm going to get us a tub of icecream, calm down baby."
Cas walked into the kitchen and came back out with Vanilla ice cream.
"My favorite, thanks Cas."
He handed Dean a spoon and sat back between Deans legs. They both started eating from the container.
"Damn, I love this shit."
Cas chuckled
"I know Dean. That's about the only thing you ever eat, other than booze and burgers."
Dean grunted
"Damn strait..........unlike us."
Cas laughed
"Oh my God Dean, you'll be the death of me."
Dean kissed his cheek
"Hopefully, we'll die together."
Cas smiled
"You romantic "
Dean shrugged and gave Cas a spoonful of his ice cream.
"Shut up and eat the ice cream."
Cas smiled and ate.
"Do you think I made the right choice with the apartment?"
"That's all?"
Dean shrugged
"I trust anything you decide."
Cas sighed
Dean kissed his cheek and they watched TV for the rest of the day.
• • •
It was the next day and Dean got up early in the morning to get a head start on moving. An hour late, Cas woke up and went upstairs to make coffee.
"Awe babe, you didn't have to!"
"Well, I wanted to get a head start.
I already got most of the boxes loaded in the U-Haul."
"I'll go get dressed then come help you, be right back."
Cas ran downstairs, got dressed and started to help Dean load the truck. By 12:00, the house was empty and ready to be driven to the apartments. Cas and Dean climbed in the truck and headed towards the complexes.
"We got done quickly."
"Yeah, angel, its awesome."
"I'm kinda excited, its like a new beginning."
To Dean, Cas looked so bright eyed and hopeful, like nothing could stop him from doing whatever he wanted. He was a ray of sunshine and a beautiful light in Deans world.
"Yeah, I agree."
Soon, the apartments were right there. Cas and Dean unloaded the boxes quickly and headed into their new home. It was small, but nice. There was a beautiful balcony that overlooked the city. Cas absolutely loved it. It was so modern and cute. Boxes lined the walls and surrounded them.
"Okay, you wanna start unpacking the important stuff first?"
"Yeah, that sounds cool."
Cas started unpacking their room and Dean started on the kitchen, as he was unpacking boxes, he stumbled upon a picture frame. It had a little dark haired boy on a swing set being pushed by a dark haired woman. They both looked so happy. Dean smiled at the picture and put it on a counter. When Cas was unpacking, he took out a picture frame also, but his had him and Dean at a restaurant giving each other spoonfuls of ice cream. That was his favorite picture of them both. Cas finished setting up the bed and dresser and TV. He moved onto the living room. He saw Dean was still working on the kitchen. Dean turned around and smiled at Cas. Cas smiled and set up the couch, then the rest of the living room. By night, the kitchen, bedroom and living room were done. All that was left was house decor and bathroom stuff. It was late and Dean and Cas were cuddled together on the couch watching whatever was on TV. Cas held the remote, skipping through channels when he stumbled on the news. There were people rioting. Dean squinted at the TV and read the headline,
"People riot in New Jersey against gays, demanding a ban of Same Sex Marriage"
Dean looked down at Cas nervously.
"Hey babe, its fine lets watch something else."
Dean swallowed hard.
"I hope."
Cas turned the channel and Soul Train appeared on the screen. His face lit up and he looked up at Dean. Dean smiled and kissed his forehead.
"Hey, its your show! I'm getting kind of hungry, you want me to order pizza for us?"
Cas nodded.
"That sounds great Dean!"
Dean reached for the phone behind his head and dialed the pizza place down the street. They chilled for the rest of the night and talked and kissed. Everything was turning out great so far. Hopefully, it stays that way.

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