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The world is filled with many colours.

Blue, orange, pink, green, and many more.

But the colours someone sees depends on their entire well-being. If you were a very emotional person, the colours you'd see would most likely be dark. But if you were the goody-two-shoes kind of person, you're world would be covered with light, fluffy colours.

This kind of phenomenon has been existing ever since the year 20XX when a group of scientists accidentally bombed the entire world with this "virus" that causes us to be where we are now.

The kind of person you are determines the colour you see.

But if you were someone who loved a colour, let's say yellow, that doesn't mean you're entire world would be yellow. It just means that if you see a yellow flower or a yellow hat, the contrast between that and other colours would heighten. You would still be able to tell the difference between a brown dog and a blonde.

[Y/N] [L/N] was no different. She, too, had to live off colours. But because of her whole situation as a person, she can't see any colours. Her world's painted with grey, black, and white. Her father's a drunk who left them soon after [Y/N] was born. Ever since her mother's been blaming [Y/N] for her father leaving.

"If you weren't born, we'd still be together!"

She'd shout this to her daughter almost every day, along with other insults. And because [Y/N] had been living that kind of life ever since she was born, her life was a mess. Her classmates in kindergarten made fun of her having "no parents".

When she turned 8, her mom decided to have a one night stand with another man. And very soon, she became addicted to it. Every week, she'd come home late at night after having sex with who knows how many men. Sometimes she'd be drunk, so she'll leave a mess. And in the morning, she's gone again. Poor [Y/N] had to always clean up.

A family was a very essential part of someone's colours. And [Y/N] already lost it.

Her classmates always avoided her. They always bullied [Y/N] for being "the product of the sluts". And having friends were also very important to someone's colours. No one ever wanted to befriend [Y/N]. One day, everyone decided to give her a nickname. A nickname that perfectly describes who she is. Her background family, her status, everything could be described with this one nickname:

Colourless Monster

That was the kind of life she lived. That name dragged her from young till now. And ever since she's received that nickname, she seemed to lose emotions as well. She soon couldn't be a prey to bullies because of her lack of reaction. So everyone decided to avoid her, spread rumours, and did everything horrible to her. But [Y/N] still kept a straight face. She never cried, she never talked back, she just accepted her fate as the "colourless monster".

However, as some miracle happened, she managed to get a friend. Fujinuma Sakura. She somehow found [Y/N] interesting, so she decided to make friends with her. Fujinuma Sakura was the very bubbly type, and she was quite well-known. So her colours were very bright and lively. The exact opposite of [Y/N]'s. But one little friend didn't make much of an impact. [Y/N] still treated Fujimura like everyone else, except with a little more attention.

But don't misunderstand. [Y/N] [L/N] could still "see" colours. Not everything was grey, black or white. She could tell the difference between a red pen and a blue one, but the colour she saw in the pens were a small drop of red or blue, and a bottle of grey. If you're asking her for the colour of a bag, [Y/N] could tell. But, other than that, everything looked so dull. So plain.

That was her life.

That was her nightmare.

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