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  It wasn't long until she saw purple.

That's right. Days after [Y/N]'s little sunset watching with Kuroo, she was able to see purple.

Now the question lies: What made her see purple?

  "Hey, [Y/N]," Sakura went over to [Y/N]'s table. It was Science now, and the class was supposed to pair up with each other for a theory project. [Y/N] was thinking that she was probably going to be alone since she saw Sakura lately talking to these other girls. And no way could she ask Kenma to pair up. It'd just be an awkward journey. She looked at her empty paper and gave a sigh. But just then, Sakura grabbed her pen and paper and pulled her chair over to [Y/N]'s table and sat down. "So, what should we do first?" She gave [Y/N] a smile as she wrote her name on her paper.

  "Eh? U-Uh, I was thinking we should um..." Sakura surprised her yet again. 'Maybe she's a loyal one.' [Y/N] thought to herself. For the rest of the lesson, the both of them were sharing brief moments of jokes and laughter, while the rest of the time they were discussing how to analyze different of species of animals in the most efficient way. When the class ended, it was lunch time. [Y/N] and Sakura were going to have lunch together, but Sakura wanted to talk to her other friends for a while. And in the meantime, [Y/N] went to a vending machine outside their class to go buy some drinks, leaving her lunch on her table.

  However, when [Y/N] came back to her class, everyone suddenly locked their eyes on her. Even Sakura. Everyone's stare was out of... fear. "W-What?" [Y/N] grumbled. Then she realized that some students were surrounding her table. She rushed over to see what was so interesting. Her mouth widened in disgust and shock as she covered her mouth.

  Her lunch was spilled all over her table and there were scratches made all over. Her books were scattered everywhere with pages torn and papers crumpled. "A-Akari said that if you don't meet her at the usual place after school, she'll do that to the rest of us tomorrow." One classmate said.

  "Oi, monster," Another one echoed the entire room, "If you don't want us to suffer shit we didn't do, go and meet that bloody bully." 

  "Yeah, you better not go home after this! I'll keep watch on you!" This time, a girl said.

  [Y/N] was just staring at her distorted table the whole time. Her eyes had fear all over. She was starting to see the blue in her lunch box slowly disappear. 'No, no, no. Don't go. Please, wait. Stay.' Her thoughts were focused on the fading colours. Everything was going so swell. 'Why now? Of all, damn, times?!' Her mind was furious. She couldn't concentrate. The insults from the class kept on going. She wanted to shout back at them so badly. She started to see red.

  But then, a small pudding head went over with a dry towel and wiped off whatever was on the table. "The table isn't going to clean itself." He said softly. His appearance brought [Y/N] back to reality and the class was silenced. The blue on her lunch box was clearer now, and the red tie on Kenma's uniform was also clearly visible.

  "Kenma... You..."

  "That's right, [Y/N]. Staring doesn't get the table all cleaned up." This time, Sakura appeared and took a mop and wiped the floor, clearing up the food and papers that dropped. "Maybe we won't be able to restore everything, but hey, at least, you still have a place to sit on!" Sakura turned around and faced [Y/N], her smile flashing.

  "...Y-Yeah, uh, th-thanks a lot.." [Y/N] muttered.

  The rest of the class, clique by clique, went back to what they were doing and ignored the three who were cleaning up the mess. [Y/N] was silent the entire time, feeling slightly guilty for Kenma and Sakura who were helping her clean up. She tried to convince the two to stop and let her be, but they both said the same thing.

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