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  The following morning, [Y/N] woke up slightly grumpy. She looked up at her ceiling and saw a white canvas. She looked down and saw her grey clothes. A sigh escaped her mouth before she noticed something at the corner of her eye. She turned and saw her window. Outside it was a beautiful sky blue along with specs of white. [Y/N] gasped as she rushed to her window and opened it.

  "So it wasn't a dream??" She almost shouted. Her eyes widened as she felt them slightly tearing up. But she wiped them away and looked outside her window. Although everything else had no colours, the sky enveloped the grey spots on the ground as it captivated [Y/N]. [Y/N] looked left and right as she admired the vast amount of blue it showed. She couldn't believe it. She thought herself seeing blue yesterday was just a bluff. She thought she was just really tired and started hallucinating. But she was wrong.

  'Shit. Gonna be late for school.' [Y/N] looked at her clock and hurriedly fixed herself and made a toast of bread for herself. As she went to the kitchen, she passed by the living room only to see no one there. 

  "Must be with another dude." She muttered to herself. Slight disappointment was cast on her face as she left the house for school. On her way, [Y/N] tried her best not to look up at the sky and act like her usual self. But it was impossible. Every 5 minutes, she would slow down her pace for a moment and stare at the sky and a tug at the corner of her lips could be felt.

  "Is there something so interesting about the sky?" Sakura asked. For the whole time until lunch, [Y/N] had been constantly staring outside the window, as if she was trying to memorize something. She didn't want to, but how could she just ignore that? Her life was a dull painting for almost her whole life. [Y/N] just shook her head as she laid her head on her desk.

  'I shouldn't be so happy about it. Maybe some good luck thing just happened. It'll dissapear soon. I know it.' A frown formed on her face as she stared back at Sakura.

  "What? You miss someone? Oh, by the way, I'll be hanging out with Lev later after his volleyball practise and I'll go watch him. You wanna join?"

  "No." [Y/N] said it almost too quickly.

  "O-Oh... I see. Knew you'd say that," She stifled a laugh, "You know you really should come visit sometimes. There's a bunch of cool people there, you know? Like, uhm, what was his name? Kuraa? Kuroo? Something like that. He's the captain and he's REALLY HOT! And his voice is so sexy~" Sakura started mini-fangirling over here.

  "Yeah, good for you." [Y/N] turned her head away from Sakura as she pretended to go to sleep. Sakura could only sigh as she returned to her seat. For the rest of the day, all [Y/N] did was stare out the window and treasure the moment she had with the blue sky. She  thought that the only thing she could see was the blue sky since she didn't really focus on anything else. But when she turned to face the board, her eyes widened just as much. Mrs. Aria, their math teacher, was wearing a blue sleeveless one piece and it "glowed".

  "So it's not just the sky..." She whispered to herself. 'Wait, wait, wait. What the hell? What's happening? Why am I seeing every single blue thing? I never really thought about the reason since I couldn't be bothered but... now that I think about it, what DID happen that made me see blue? Was it the umbrella guy? God, what was his name again? Tetsu..rou? Ket..sudou? Ugh nevermind. I'll probably never encounter him again anyways.'  Her thoughts suddenly took over her and she couldn't concentrate in class anymore. But the last thought dismissed them.

  When school finished, Sakura came up to her and chatted with her for awhile before she left to see her boyfriend play volleyball. But just before she left, she whispered something...weird. Whispered only loud enough for [Y/N] to hear.

  "I'm starting to doubt your eyes even more."

  [Y/N] was slightly surprised about hearing those words from Sakura. But then again, she could just be saying random things. [Y/N] quickly returned home to rest from the amount of work she had to do during school, and supposedly wake up before dinner to do her homework, which was around 7pm. But unfortunately, [Y/N] overslept for over 45minutes and when she went to the fridge to find food to cook, she found nothing.

  "Oh yeah, I didn't buy groceries yet. Argh guess it's cup noodles for tonight. I'll just buy them tomorrow." She scratched her head as she closed the fridge door and went to change out of her uniform. Yes, she immediately went to sleep after she arrived home. She wore what she assumed a yellow hoodie and some simple shorts. She tied her hair to a bun, took some cash, and left her house. She looked down at her hoodie and had a slight hope that she'd see colour in them. But none could be seen. Only a light shade of grey was implanted on her hoodie.

  Another sigh escaped her mouth just before she realized she reached the convenient store. She entered the store and it was surprisingly a bit chilly. She went over the back of the store and grabbed 2 cups of cup noodles. [Y/N] then went over to the cue and wait for her turn to pay for the noodles. The line was longer than last time she came, probably because someone was struggling to pay. She heard few distant voices, but she paid no attention to it. 

  When the person who was in front of her moves up, she realized the distant voices got closer to her. And closer. Closer... until--

  "Oh? If it isn't [L/N]-san! Nice meeting ya here!" The first voice sounded familiar.

  "Kuroo, you know her?" The second voice wasn't.

  [Y/N] looked up to see two boys beside her. Both looked really familiar, "Oh, it's the umbrella guy."

  "W-What umbrella guy?? I have a name, you know? It's Kuroo Tetsurou. And this is my friend, Kenma Kozume." He slung his arm around Kenma's neck as he introduced him to her. [Y/N] looked at Kenma and suddenly, she couldn't speak. Her eyes looked like they wanted to cry and her body felt all tingly, as if goosebumps suddenly sprouted.

  "Y-Your hair... It's--it's..." [Y/N] suddenly started to stammer. Kuroo's eyes widened a bit before he spoke.

  "Hm? Ah, you mean Kenma's. Yeah, his hair's all weird. Like some... pudding! Yeah, pudding. Looks really bright, right?" He smiled sheepishly as he pointed to Kenma. But what he didn't realize was the silent suspicious stare eyeing him ever since he said that.

  "Y-Yeah... Really bright."

  "Kuroo, let's go. We'll be late." Kenma walked out of the convenient store waiting for him. The two of them bid farewell and went their own separate paths. As the two boys were walking, Kenma suddenly said, "She's in my class. [L/N] [F/N]." 

  "Really? Heh~ Didn't know that. But she acted really surprised when she saw your hair."

  "That's cause' I never talked to her. She never talked to me. She never talked to anyone except Fujinuma Sakura." Kuroo asked why. "Don't you know? The whole school's calling her the "Colourless Monster". Apparently she can't see any colours because of her past and now everyone's avoiding her. You really didn't know?" His cat-like eyes stared at him.

  "T-That's... I heard of that name but I didn't know it was her." Kuroo suddenly went day dreaming mode and kept quiet the whole time. It looked like he was thinking of something really serious, which made Kenma suspect him even more.

  Meanwhile, [Y/N] was slowly walking her way back home. She saw something amazing once more. And it happened so casually she didn't notice it. [Y/N] looked down at her hoodie and saw the same thing. She looked at the cover of her cup noodles and saw the same. Her hoodie, Kenma's hair. She could see it. It seemed truly unreal, but it was.

She could see yellow.

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