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  "It's a bit less vibrant than yesterday." Sakura pointed to the sky above them. Sakura and [Y/N] were lying on the grass near the riverbank after school had ended. A lot of homework were given to them, so they decided to take a small break from studying and just lie on the grass and clear their heads. Well, more like: [Y/N] wanted to hurry and go home so she could do her homework alone. But Sakura sort of forced her to study with her since she couldn't possibly finish all the homework by herself. And when both were feeling a bit tired after studying, Sakura suggested and brought [Y/N] to a nearby riverbank to rest.

  "Oh, is that so?" [Y/N] replied in a monotone voice. Honestly, she could honestly care less about how vibrant the sky was. She can't see the color, so why even bother? The only thing she could see was a vast amount of grey with white patches here and there.

  Sakura turned and looked over at [Y/N] and sighed, "You know, you don't have to be so... bland, you know? People might think Nekoma's got a ghost."

  "Well, I apologize for my mom giving birth to me." She was obviously insulted by what she said. Sakura realized what she said and quickly apologised. [Y/N] sighed one more time before continuing, "It's okay. But really, I think I'm never gonna be able to see colours. Even if I have a "friend" like you, it's still--"

  "Ok, ok, enough with the negatives." Sakura interrupted [Y/N]. " You will one day be able to see colours and I'm positive about it! You still have that soulmate system, remember? If someone meets their soulmate, the colours in their life will blossom and it'll all be shown in full brightness. And yes, it is true. How do you think me and Lev became a couple? If not for the whole soulmate thing, I would've brushed him off as that one beanstalk kouhai who likes me."

  [A/N: To clarify things, the both of you are in your second year.]

  "Again with the stupid soulmate system?? That's bullshit. I keep telling you I don't believe in that. No one would ever want to be my soulmate. And even if I did have one, he'd probably piss himself once he finds out it's me, the Colourless Monster. I'm not the kind who's reliable, Fujinuma. You gotta understand this."


  "If my partner's sad, or sick, I can't help them. I don't know what to do to make them happy. I've never experienced happiness myself, so how am I supposed to know? And I can't see colours. So even if I meet him, what would change? Nothing changed when I met you. You think something would change if I met him? I wouldn't even know. If my soulmate's some stranger, I'll end up treating them like everyone else. Like he never existed. That's why I kept saying you shouldn't be my friend. You'll end up being hurt by me." [Y/N] sat up and looked at her "friend".

  "That's not true!" Sakura stood up and stared back at [Y/N]. "I don't care if you warn me countless times or even hurt me, I'll continue being your friend. I made the choice to be your friend even if the rest kept saying not to. Even if they leave me, even if the world betrays you, I'll always be with you!" She put her hand over her heart.

  For a moment, [Y/N] thought she could see a little bit of pink spark up from what she said, but it's probably her imagination. Her eyes widened as she heard her friend say those words. "Heh," [Y/N]'s lips curled a tiny bit, "Never thought someone would say that to me. But you're probably the last to say it. Thanks, though."

  "No problem! But I'm serious when I say someone will definitely say the same to you! And it may not be obvious, but after you meet him, you'll eventually realize it's him. Someone's colours doesn't go full blast immediately when you first meet him. Maybe one or two, but it'll slowly grow the more you hang out with him."

  "Yeah yeah, we'll see. Ah, it's getting pretty late already. Shit, we rested too much. Can I go home and just finish the rest?"

  Sakura hesitated to let her go but eventually gave in, "Fine." She dragged out the word. "But you have to tell me something about yourself--Oi [Y/N]! Stop walking away from me!"

  "Hm? What is it?" [Y/N] looked over her shoulder as she was about to take out her phone. "Tell me something about yourself: What's your favourite colour? I'm sure you could see colours before, so please tell me!"

  [Y/N] turned her head back to the front and thought for a moment. Colour she liked? It's been forever since she saw them. After a minute of silence, [Y/N] muttered her answer before walking back home:


  On the way back home, [Y/N] was thinking why she said that. 'Did I like blue? I remember having a lot of blue things before, but I don't know the exact reason. What does blue even look like? I know the colour but I don't...know it. Sky blue, dark blue, neon blue, I don't know any of them. Sigh, what was so special about blue again?' [Y/N] stopped walking and looked up at the sky, trying to find a speck of blue in there. But nothing reflected back. The same old grey canvas stared back at her saying "You'll never find out which blue I am." or something. She sighed. It was useless. Unless some miracle happened, there's no way she could figure out why she liked blue.

  Suddenly, droplets of water dropped onto her face. "Shit, don't tell me..." She muttered. More droplets started dropping until a waterfall of them started pouring at once. Yep, it started raining. Hard. "Ugh. Of all days to bloody pour." She groaned. But [Y/N] didn't run back home for shelter. Instead, she put her bag over her head, hoping it would cover her, and continued walking. She was gonna take a bath anyways. As she walked, she thought about the day she ran away from her mom because she was doing "it" with some man and [Y/N] got sick and tired of hearing her mother's constant slutty voice.

  'Ah, that's right. It was raining that day. I didn't come home for two days until the cops had to yank me from the playground I slept at. I was running, and crying, and everything was just so...blurry. Was that the first time I lost one of the colours? Yeah, think it was. Now which colour was it again?....Oh. Oh right. It was--huh?' The rain suddenly stopped pouring. Wait, it stopped pouring? No. She could still see the water falling from the sky. But she felt none on her. [Y/N] looked up and saw an umbrella over her head. She quickly spun around to find who that belonged to.


  "W-What are you..."

  "I see a girl from the same school walking alone in the rain. I have an umbrella. I came to your rescue." He smirks at her.

  "I wasn't asking for help," She said slightly coldly.

  "But you didn't say you weren't asking for it. C'mon, I live around here. Let me bring you home." He tilts his head to the direction she's walking in.

  She just sighed. "Tsk. Do whatever." [Y/N] wasn't really in the mood to talk back. She was drenched and tired. All she wanted was to get home quickly.

  "So what's your name?" The boy asked.

  "[L/N] [F/N]. Second year." She quickly replied.

  "Heh~ I'm Kuroo Tetsurou, third year." He smiled at her. 

  "I see." And silence filled the air as Kuroo tried to break it by coughing.

  "You.. don't know who I am, don't you--"

  "We're here." [Y/N] pointed to the door beside her.

  "EH?!" Kuroo sweatdropped and accidentally pulled the umbrella away. "Ohmygod, I'm sorry. I forgot it's raining--huh? It's... no longer raining. WOAH DID GOD JUST BLESS ME TODAY??" He started acting slightly childish.

  "P-Pfft." [Y/N] couldn't help but chuckle at his stupid-ness.

  "Ah, you finally smiled." The boy pointed at you and grinned widely. "You looked like you were going to cry from just now. Glad you know how to smile, [L/N]-san." He kept his grin and  gave [Y/N] a thumbs up. "Well, I gotta go now. See you around, yeah?" And he left, leaving [Y/N] slightly embarrassed from what he said.

  [Y/N] put her palm out and cupped it a bit. She slowly raised her head to look at the sky, "It's really not raining any...more..." Her mouth was wide opened as she looked up. Her eyes were wider than ever. She saw it. She thought she lost it. She thought she'd never see it again. But oh god, how wrong she was. Now she remembered. [Y/N] finally remembered why she loved the colour blue. Why that colour, among all, is her favourite.

"I can see...Blue?"

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