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Oh, Grey. What a dull colour.

"Y-You can't see the colour of me?" Kenma inched closer. 'Crap. If she lost hers, then that means...'

All [Y/N] could do was slowly shake her head, tears slowly dripping off her face one by one. She told Kenma to just go home because she needed to think through what happened. Hoping [Y/N] would feel better if he did so, he waved her a good-bye and walked back to his home. Once his shadow was out of sight, she covered up her mouth with her hands, scared someone will hear her if she accidentally lets out a sound. She dragged her pale feet into the house, swaying from time to time. When she reached the entrance of inside her house, [Y/N] let out all her remaining energy and desperately leaned on the nearest wall. She couldn't even bother to turn on the lights. Her back was against it, and she slowly removed her hands. Head looking up, tears rolling down. When was the last time it happened?

Having no more strength in her frail legs, she slid down onto the floor, her head now staring at it. Her hands chose to lift and put on her face, muffling her edgy cries of the pain. When she cried, there was like a rawness to it, like the pain was still an open wound. Like it was fresh. She knew all too well that this whole phenomenon didn't last. She tried not to cling on to her colourful life, and return to her dull one. But she couldn't. I mean, who could? The chills and joy of seeing colours was an everlasting moment that she always treasured.

The sobs were stifled at first as she attempted to hide her grief, then overcome by the wave of her emotions she would break down entirely. Finally deciding to go wash her face, [Y/N] looked at her bathroom mirror and saw a picture of grief, loss, devastation. It was the face of one who had suffered before and didn't know if she could do it again.

"Truly a mystery" [Y/N] used to tell herself why she can't see colours. But now that she lost one, before she went to bed, she whispered, "Solved and forgotten..."

[Y/N]'s eyes were red and puffy the next morning, her hair was messy and uniform still on. But she didn't care. Looking back at her reflection, she also realized she could no longer see her skin colour, nor her red tie on her uniform. It was certainly a long time since she looked that... broken. She trudged her feet over to the window, looking out with a small speck of hope left in her. But when she looked out, all she could see...

was her normal life. Her dull, grey, one.

A few weeks passed since. And everything that happened the following morning of that unfortunate day was the same as today. The grey road, the grey sky, the grey uniform and self, it's all grey. Her usual poker face was already plastered on her face as if it was waiting for its moment to return and stay there. The only colours she could see were Purple, Orange, Pink, and Green. Of course, along with the different shades of the four colours she could also see. But they were faint. The contrast between them didn't seem to differ, even though she always passed by the gym, the one place that made her colours shine the most. Instead, they darkened.

Arriving at school with the buzzing of students suddenly staring at her didn't make her flinch. Well, of course they'd stare. The aura [Y/N] gave off was different. No longer the shy, sassy, yet somehow cute girl walking with a small smile. Now it was the same "monster" they've been seeing since forever. [Y/N] scanned her surroundings again. The vivid and clear pink flowers that were usually on the nearby grass were replaced with a scary tone of grey.

"Ah, there goes another colour."

Sakura, however, was somehow not affected much by it. And that somehow hurt [Y/N] even more. Sakura was still the same bubbly person she was, and she still continued to talk to [Y/N], as if nothing happened. As if she never even knew her good friend ever experienced colours. Their conversation between each other remained like before, but Sakura would sometimes say something... unusual. There were times when she said "I only was happier that time because Kuroo would often visit, oops!" or "Yeah, cool. But I don't really care about you, hahahaha." Of course, she covered up with her laugh, trying to convince [Y/N] that she's joking, but honestly, [Y/N] didn't care either way.

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