Chapter 3

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Authors note: hello reader Chan! Hope you are liking the book so far, it's been a while since I last updated and I'm sorry about that :( I'll try better! Here's chapter 3!

Standing at the survey corps head quarters waiting for Levi to Finnish his stupid meeting with Erwin was a pain.
'Argh! Hurry up my stomach is killing me, and more than usual.'
I got sick of standing in pain so I decided to go to the comfy chairs near the entrance of HQ.
Walking there I feel a pop in my lower half and something wet dribbling down my legs. Then I realised what was happening.
I start panicking and fall down on my knees as I feel my water break 'oh crap! Oh crap!'
"HELP!" I screamed trying to get someone's attention. Unfortunately for me Hanji was the first to come running, then Levi then Erwin and other people in the building. She kneeled down next to me, taking hold of my arm.
"What's wrong?!" She asked, excitement in her creepy voice.
I looked at her, amazed by the fact that she couldn't tell I was going into labour.
"Are you [Beep] kidding me Hanji?! You're a [Beep] scientist doctor thingie and you can't [Beep] tell that I'm in [Beep] labour?!" I shouted to her face.
Hanji opened her mouth to speak but before she could Levi came bolting around the corner screaming my name.
He skidded to a stop right next to me, pushed Hanji away and held me in his arms.
"Are you ok (f/n)?!" He asked, the most concerned look on his face.
"Yeah I'm okaAAAAAAGH! [beep] No! Not [Beep] ok, defiantly NOT [beep] ok!" I pant and scream at the same time. Gosh my stomach hurt.
Levi's concerned face instantly changed into a 'should I take you to an asylum....?' Look.
"Ok.......I get it, no need to swear at me." He said.
Now it was my turn to look at him as if HE was crazy, "Really?! Really?! [Beep] you [beep] Levi! Who the [beep] is having this [beep] baby?! Huh?!" I shouted, "Me! I [beep] am. So shut the [beep] up and get this [beep] child out of me."
I think I might have gone A little too far with that one, but I was right either way, my hormones were everywhere and I was in excruciating pain when I said it. So, fair.

Levi started looking around for somewhere to put me that wasn't on the ground. He saw Hanji looking curiously at me and decided to get her to do something useful.
"Hey! Shitty glasses!"
Hanji looked at him, "hmm? Yes shorty?"
He looked mad after she said that.
"Go to the cupboard and get some blankets, pillows and whatever else you need to deliver a baby with, then bring them to Erwin's office before I kill you! Go Now!" He ordered. Hanji was just about to leave when Another contraction punched me straight in the vigina causing me to cry out in pain (By that I mean really really really loud screaming)
Everyone covered there ears fearing they might explode from the high pitch frequency coming from my mouth.
"Fuck (f/n) don't blow my eardrums!" Levi scolded me.
"IM DYING!! WAAAAAAAAAHAAAHAAA!" I cried, yup my emotions are a wreck.
"Just hold on a bit will you?!"
Hanji kept her ears covered and ran off to get the stuff she needed for the birth.
Levi lifted me off the ground in bridle style, quickly ran over to Erwin's office and kicked down the door. Erwin wiped his hand over the desk, throwing everything onto the floor- even glass items. Levi placed me on his desk, while Erwin placed a pillow underneath my head to support it.
Cadets crowed around the doorway to see what was going on. Levi noticed this and shouted at them, "Oi! Brats get lost or I'll feed you to Hanji's Titans!"

Even I got scared hearing that. Oh god help me, The baby is coming and I'm scarred.

Authors note: thanks for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it :) stay beautiful my reader chans!

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