Chapter 2

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Author's note: Hello reader chan's! I'm sorry I haven't been able to update for a while, I have been very busy. Anyway here is the 2nd chapter! Hope you like it.
[Note: It's now night time, Hanji, Petra and Mikasa have gone]

I took a deep breath then knocked on Levi's door hoping he wasn't home.
Ha nope he was here.
"State your name and business."
"It's (f/n). I need to talk to you about something important."
The door opened instantly with Levi leaning against the door in trackies and a black t-shirt. That was his way of saying 'come in' to me, so I did.
Levi closed the door as I walked in and sat on his bed.
"What is it?" He asked concerned, he sat down next to me on the bed and held my hand.
"Well... I- I don't exactly know how to tell you this...." I took in another deep breath and stood up off of the bed.
"Levi I'm pregnant, and you're the father. Please don't hate me." Tears starting to cloud my vision. Levi's eyes widened then softened as he saw me cry, he stood up and pulled me into a warm hug, which surprised me. A lot.
"(F/n), I could never hate you. And because you are pregnant I feel even happier. We are going to be parents, and you will be an amazing mother."

~time skip~

"Woah, (f/n) you've gotten big!" Hanji exclaimed, while looking at my now massive belly.
I smiled at her comment.
"Well the baby is due in a week or so, so I think I would be."
She looked at me,
"are you scared?"
I paused for a bit then answered her, "Yes, in fact I am really scared, but I'm also excited about having a baby to love. It will change mine and Levi's life forever."
She paused for a second then her head shot up and she grabbed my arms, "what are you naming it?! Have you even thought of names yet?"
Now it was my turn to pause, I was kind of shocked about her sudden movement and all, so I didn't respond straight away,
"well... Actually no, I haven't thought of that yet." I half smirked to her.
She let go of me and did that thing that people do in anime's where they hold there elbow with one hand while the other rests under there chin and a evil gleam in there eyes perk out. Scary.
"It looks like we have a new mission (f/n)!" She puts one hand on her hip and points a finger at my face,
"find baby names!"
Just as I thought I was going to be killed by the mad scientist a familiar voice spoke up behind her in the door way.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing shitty glasses?"
It was obviously Levi.
Thank god for Levi and his amazing timing.
Hanji spun around to face dadd- I mean Levi. Levi.
"Nice to see you too shorty, (f/n) and I were just about to decide on baby names."
Levi pushed his way past Hanji, sat down next to me and started rubbing my belly.
"No need. I have already chosen a name for it."
Both Hanji and I looked at him shocked.
"You have?" I asked him curious.
"What is it then?"
He paused for a moment, then sat up straight,
"Windex." He said flatly.
My mouth dropped to the ground.
"WHAT?! We are not naming our child windex!" I shouted.
He looked at me,
"Why not?"
"Because I said so! And it's a terrible name!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"
"Fine then, what would you call it?"
"Well, umm....." I hesitated, "Beanie. I will call it beanie for now."

~ 10 mins later. And I think Hanji fell asleep~

"Fine" Levi finally agreed.
Yes I win. At least it's better then Windex.

Authors note: yay chapter 2 done! Look out reader chan here comes beanie! Also I just wanted to clarify why I called the baby beanie. It's because the baby is about the size of a bean at the moment soooo, beanie. Anyway See you in the next chapter :)

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