Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to My Best friend Christina :)

When we got to the hospital I ran straight for the nurses station. The nurses looked a little freaked that I slid into the desk.

"I'm here for Abby Williams" I said in a shaky voice.

"Are you family?" I nodded quickly and told her that she was my younger sister.

"Well ," she typed her name up in the computer. "She in ICU (Intensive Care Unit if you didn't know)

"Ok she's in room 515" Damon and I briskly walked down the hall to her room. We knocked on the door, Abby let out a quiet come in.

We walked in, when I saw her I almost about broke down crying. That stupid principal fucking lied, she didn't have minor cuts and brusies. She had a broken arm, leg and several bad scratches on her. She was lying there with her eyes closed.

"Hey baby girl, how you feeling?" I petted her hair.

"Sissy! You're here!" She said excited.

"Yes baby girl, I'm here I couldn't ditch my favorite girl could I?" She shook her head.

"Sissy, where's mommy?"She asked me. Apperantly they didn't tell her.

"Abbs, she's in a better place, she went to where all the beautiful angels are" Her eyes filled with tears. I couldn't bear it. I hated seeing her like this.

"Sissy why did she leave? Did she hate us?"

"No! She never hated us. She never did... it was just her time to leave." She nodded drifting off to sleep. I stayed with her for a few minutes. Then I got up and paced the room. After a while Damon grabbed my arm.
"Calm down Alex, everything will be okay. I'm getting you and her out of the house."
We heard a knock on the door and said come in. Robert walked in straight. He didn't seem drunk.
" Is she okay?" He said in a clear voice.
" Yes somewhat, she didn't know Mom died," I took a good look at him, his eyes shone with tears. Robert was a good guy when he wasn't drinking.
" Robert." He snapped his head up. "Abby and I are moving out." He apparently didn't like that.
" What do you mean your moving out?" His voice laced with that venom I always hear.
"You heard me, we are moving out. I am 18 you can't control me! Plus you have a record with the police!" My voice rising. He looked taken back. He rushed towards me and slammed me against the wall.
"You can not take away my life. I already lost my wife, not my children." His hands were around my throat. I was gasping for air. Suddenly I could breathe again. Damon had grabbed my step-father and was punching him repeatedly.
"Damon! Damon! Stop it!!" I tried calling him. I was pulling him off of Robert. Robert's face was red and bloody.
"You'll regret this!" He spat walking out the room. I breathed out. Damon wrapped me into a hug. I cried and looked over at Abby. I chuckled because she was still fast asleep. Those drugs must really help.


Oh my gosh, I am so sorry I haven't uploaded i've been busy! It's been crazy especially high school! Well Hoped you enjoyed it!


P.s. Vote comment and fan please!

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