Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Hey! So yeah... I don’t know how much I’ll be able to update today!  My friends coming over and she doesn’t know I write this stuff… plus she doesn’t like One Direction she’s more of a The Wanted fanJ No hate though! I won’t update!




Since I got 11 votes on the last chapter, 8 votes for the next chappie? J Hehe I’m so cheeky ;)

Found this video halarious btw ;) -->



Niall’s POV


Harry had spent the past couple of days in the hospital, only being released when the doctors where 100% sure that he was well enough to come home. I couldn’t blame them for it; I was still double checking every hour whether he would need a wheelchair rather than just crutches, which Harry insisted he didn’t.


“I’m fine Niall” Harry insisted as he placed his arms through his crutches and pulled himself out of bed.

I mumbled a few words under my breath that led Harry to be confused; I didn’t even know what I said. I just wanted to protect him.

I helped him hop out of the hospital and into the car, taking his crutches off of him and laying them down on the backseat, with Harry in the front.

We drove in a comfortable silence, only to be disturbed by the violent growling noise Harry’s stomach made, shocking us both and embarrassing Harry. I just laughed and pulled into the McDonalds drive through as we neared it.

We pulled up to the speaker and waited for the lazy, underpaid teenager to come and take out orders.

“Hello, welcome to McDonalds. What do you want” She said with so much enthusiasm I was tempted to jump out of the car and engulf her in a giant hug. Oh wait, I was being sarcastic. She sounded like the giant slug woman off of Monsters Inc. with the glasses.

“I’ll have two Big Mac meals please with a sprite and a Fanta. Oh and get you’re self a new attitude while you’re at it” I said, causing Harry to begin sniggering next to me and the teenager to grunt in response.

I paid the ignorant cashier and drove to the next window a couple of meters in front of me to collect our food. Once she handed them to be through the window, I carefully gave the brown bags to Harry to hold as I drove and began driving down the London streets until we got back to his apartment a couple of minutes away.

We hopped out of the car and walked into the lobby, me carrying the McDonalds and keeping an eye on Harry as he limped through the building.

Surprisingly, the lift was again broken. I told Harry to hold the food and he obeyed confused. I picked up both of his crutches and gave him them to hold in one hand before I picked him up bridal style and began to climb the sixteen sets of stairs.

“Niall put me down!” Harry demanded but stayed in my arms, I refused to put him down. He didn’t weigh very much anyway.

“Harry…” He warned me.

I knew that he wouldn’t do anything to me, he was harmless. Or so I thought.

“I’ll eat your food” He smirked

“You wouldn’t” I glared at him.

“Wouldn’t I?” he asked, opening my bag and taking a chip out, popping it into his mouth as he smirked.

“Evil” I whispered and continued up the stairs.

Harry put the key in the lock of his door while he was still in my grasp and I kicked the door so I could open it without dropping him.

I plopped him on the sofa and went into the kitchen to serve up the fast food and get us some plates and napkins so we didn’t ruin his furniture with the grease.

I began walking back into the room but I heard Harry talking to someone on the phone, I stopped in my tracks. Not wanting to invade his privacy by being in the room while he took the call. I could still hear him from the kitchen anyway.

“No! You listen to me!” He shouted down the phone “There is no possible way that I can fight on Saturday”


“Well sorry for breaking my knee and cutting my head open. Didn’t mean for it to affect you Kevin” He sneered down the phone, ending the call with in a huff.

I waited a couple of minutes before walking into the living room, to see an angered Harry lying on the sofa.

“Everything okay?” I asked even though I knew full well that it wasn’t.

I handed him his plate of food which he began to munch on quietly, not looking me in the eye. He looked like he could kill someone any minute and I didn’t want to be that person by bombarding him with questions.

“Fine and dandy” He muttered, you could almost feel the sarcasm dripping from his voice. This was not the Harry that I knew.

For once, things were awkward between us.  I don’t think that Harry noticed how much tension there was in the room but you could cut it with a knife it was so thick.

“Are you sure?” I asked quietly.

“I said I’m Fine Niall!” He raised his voice at me, placing his barely touched plate on the coffee table and hopping out of the room with his crutches on his arms.

So this is what it felt like to be hurt. It sucked.

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