Kisses? Ew || Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader

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You were a...germaphobe, a clean freak, and had a tad bit of an OCD issue. (If you're not well now u r lol)

This highly annoyed your boyfriend, Kuroo.

"(Y/N)~!" He called.

You were sitting in the library, reading a new book you bought.

"What?" You asked your boyfriend, without looking up from the book.

"Why do you buy your own books? There's plenty here!" He said.

"Other people have touched them, maybe even sick people. Now way am I going to touch them." You bluntly replied, Kuroo sweat dropping.

"Y'know, (Y/N)-chan, you won't get sick just by touching a book." He sighed, sitting next to you.

"Still," You said, "just to make sure."

It was silent for about three whole minutes, you didn't mind, but Kuroo did.

"(Y/N), why do we never kiss?" He asked you. He's been wondering this ever since you two started dating. You've never kissed him since he's confessed to you.

"Because..." You started, looking at him and closing your book.

Kuroo leaned in attentively.

"Kissing mouth to mouth can transmit more germs than licking the inside of a toilet bowl." You stated.

"(Y/N)-chan, seriously?!" Kuroo sweat dropped again.

You nodded.

"Well, I want to kiss you~." Kuroo said, leaning in.

"Too bad for you." You stated, pushing him back into his seat.

"Come on (Y/N), just one?" He pleaded.

Looking up, you saw how much your boyfriend wanted a kiss. Sighing, you agreed.

"F-fine. But don't-" you were cut off.

Kuroo immediately smashed his lips onto yours, kissing you passionately. You started to kiss him back, grabbing the neck-line of his shirt to draw him closer.

As much as you hated to admit it, this kiss was intoxicating, and you didn't want to pull away. Luckily, he pulled away first.

You looked down, embarrassed and continued reading your book.

Kuroo had a triumphant smirk plastered on his face.

"(Y/N)-chan~" he purred, "Did that feel anything like licking the inside of a toilet bowl~?" He asked, making you blush.

'You know it didn't you asshole!' You thought.

"No," you replied, his smirk widening, "It was like licking the inside of a trash can."

"Haha (Y/N)-chan~, you got me there~."

• (=^ェ^=) • (=^ェ^=) • (=^ェ^=) •

Trash get it? *wink wink*

No? You don't get it?

Ok I'll stop.

Love y'all!!!


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