Last Words || Nishinoya Yuu x Reader SOULMATE AU

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Your soulmate's last words are written on your skin, so you don't know who your soulmate is, until you lose them.


You had a major crush on Nishinoya for quite the while now, but you had to settle, for being his best friend.

He was always talking about Kiyoko. Kiyoko this Kiyoko that. It's not that you wanted to be mean or anything, you just wanted Nishinoya to realize how you felt, but of course, that was impossible, seeing how dense he is.

You sighed at the thought. You were currently eating lunch with him Tanaka, and Ennoshita.

Nishinoya and Tanaka were yapping on and on about Kiyoko.

Ennoshita gave you an apologetic smile, knowing how you felt. You shrugged in response when Nishinoya asked you something out of the blue

"Right (Y/N)!" He grins.

"Hmm? Sure." You replied, not knowing what he was talking about.


You sighed, realizing what you had agreed about. Kiyoko...again.

"Blue." You say out of nowhere, "She'd look best in blue."

Which she would, it matches her eyes perfectly.


"No problemo." You sighed.

"Hey, what colour would look best on (Y/N)?" Tanaka asked.

Nishinoya stared at you for a good thirty seconds, before deciding.

"Red." He finally said, "She'd look good in dark red."


"Red." I finally say, "She'd look good in dark red."

I noticed (Y/N)'s small blush, but shrugged it off.

She's pretty, but she's not Kiyoko.

Plus, she doesn't seem like the kind of person to say that.

I remember the writing on my back.

'I've always loved you, more than words can say, more than the stars in the sky. I love you, Yuu.'

I sigh dreamily. Kiyoko sounds just like the kind of person to say that, the words, the way they were worded.


Like Kiyoko.


You noticed Nishinoya spacing out.

"Noya?" You ask.

"Hmm?" He says, startled.

"Class is gonna start soon." You say.

"Oh. Yeah, thanks (Y/N)!" He grins, skipping to class.

You sigh.

He'll never understand through that
thick skull of his, how much you feel.


Two weeks have past, and Nishinoya hasn't stopped flirting with Kiyoko.

You sigh, wondering why Nishinoya was so fascinated with her, you had no idea whatsoever about Nishinoya's soulmate hunt.

Later on that day, the boys were throwing water balloons at each other after practice.

"Stop!" You screech, holding in your laughter as Nishinoya pelted you with water balloons.

You decided to hit him back, yet none hit contact.

Then, one finally hit Nishinoya's back, the shirt fabric going see-through and words slowly becoming visible.

"What's that? A tattoo?" You asked Nishinoya.

"H-huh? OH ITS NOTHING!" He quickly says, flushed, covering his back with his bag.

"I better get going, see ya!" Nishinoya runs to the street.

"Wait!" You call out, confused.

The sun had set and the sky was darkening by the minute, yet Nishinoya ran without a care. 

Then, you saw bright headlights - a car- showing no sign of stopping.

"NOYA LOOK OUT!!!" You scream, running towards him, and pushing him out of the way.

Nishinoya staggered, falling to the ground, and instead of him getting hit, its impact was on you.

Your body skidded across the road, skin peeling, blood everywhere. The car just left, disappearing into the dark night.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) DONT DIE ON ME!" Nishinoya says, running to you, wrapping his arms around your back to prop you up. He starts dialling the ambulance, explaining what happened.

You grabbed the phone and threw it away with the little strength you had remaining.

"I...." You say, "I...I know I'm going to die here." You say, smiling at Nishinoya, who started to cry.


I was sobbing, here I was, holding my best friend, who was dying in my arms. It was all my fault, if only I hadn't ran so carelessly, if only I wasn't so flustered and embarrassed for such a small goddamn reason, it's so stupid.

I then saw her smile, her beautiful, radiant smile, only then, did I realize, that (Y/N) is more beautiful than I thought. I saw the way her lips curled, how her eyelids drooped, and how smoothly her hair flows in the wind, how her gorgeous (S/C) skin illuminated in the moonlight.

"Please...don't leave me..." I started to sob, choking on my tears.

"Yuu..." She whispered.

My hands started to shake, her blood getting on them, staining my skin and clothes, staining into my memory.



And that's when it hit me, it hit me harder than a wall of bricks, leaving me breathless, leaving me in absolute shock, horror and sorrow.

She breathed out her last breath, saying her last words as the moonlight reflected off her face, the words that left me completely in the dark, the words that made my stomach churn in regret.

"I've always loved you, more than words can say, more than the stars in the sky. I love you, Yuu."

And with that, her eyes closed, leaving me alone, forever.

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