Paper Hearts || Hinata Shōyō x Reader (songfic)

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This was it. The day you were moving away. The day you never wanted to come. The end of everything you ever loved.

Remember the way you made me feel, such young, love but,

You dragged your suitcase down the stairs, meeting up with your parents.

"This is it." You sigh sadly, thinking about your boyfriend, Shōyō.

Frozen, in my head.

You were moving to a whole new country, meaning that you and your boyfriend, had to part ways.

You took out a picture of you guys from your pocket, and stared at his smile. His bright, sunshiny smile, that always cheered you up when you were sad.

Our life was cutting through so loud, memories are playing in my dull mind,

Memories started flooding your head, blocking your path of vision, as the car backed out. Rain started drizzling, matching your mood.

You had said bye to the boy yesterday, not wanting to bear the pain of seeing him right before leaving, but you now regretted that decision. You wanted him now, more than anything.

You rested your forehead on the car window, watching the droplets of rain stick to the glass, and traced the lines they made when they fell.

You were heartbroken. It was painful, it was torture, but most of all, it was pure agony.

Everything is grey under these skies, wet mascara

You were finally at the airport. You had the tickets and were patiently waiting for the plane to arrive.

Right when it was ready to load, you heard a familiar voice calling out.


You turn around to see none other than your boyfriend, trying to catch his breath. He obviously didn't have a ride to get here. Knowing him, he probably used his bike.

"S-shōyō?" You say, choking up.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), but I can't end it like this!" He calls out, running towards you, hugging you tightly. The tears forming in your eyes started to pour, like the rain outside.

Our life was cutting through so loud

"I love you (Y/N), I always have and I always will, so please...don't leave me." Shōyō sobbed.

"I-I love you too Shōyō," you say, the boy's eyes shining in hope, "but I have to go. I'm so sorry, I want to stay with you forever, I really do, but my parents are going so so do I." You sobbed, hugging him tightly. You were shorter than him, but only by a little bit, but you could clearly see the light fade from his eyes.

Hoping that you won't forget

He drew you into a kiss, a needy, passionate kiss. Shōyō's face was blazing red, but he kissed you anyways. You melted into the kiss and was the first one to part when your parents said to go.

"I love you." Shōyō whispers one last time, "I'll call you." He adds, tears streaming down his face like waterfalls.

You nod and wipe away his tears.

I'll be alright

"I'll always love you." You reply.

"So will I." He says confidently.

You wave bye as you enter the pathway to the plane, watching as Shōyō waved back, sadly.

Right before he was out of your sight, you saw him fall to the ground, weeping like a newborn child. You held in a sob, covering your mouth as the plane door shut behind you.

When you were in your seat, you looked out the window, watching as the world grew smaller and smaller, wondering where Shōyō was now. You shut your eyes.

Tears streamed down your face as you cried in silence, your parents looking over in pity.

I hate this part, paper hearts, and I'll hold a piece of yours.

"I'll be waiting for your call," you whisper, "I'll never forget you."

Hoping that you won't forget.

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