Ummm...No || Terushima Yuuji x Reader

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You were one of Karasuno's volleyball teams managers, along with your best friend Kiyoko and a newbie, Yachi.

Karasuno had recently won their latest game, and you were cheering like crazy.

"GO KARASUNO!!!" You shrieked, jumping up and down with Pom poms. "(Y/N)-san? C-calm down!" Yachi said. You were gaining the attention from everybody in the stands, including the other volleyball teams.

"Eh? But why?" You asked Yachi, pouting like a child.

"Everyone's staring!" Yachi whispered.

"Let them." You said, grinning. Kiyoko looked at you and sighed.

"It's no use Yachi-chan. She's always this energetic." Kiyoko explained.

(If you aren't energetic, well you are now xD)

"You sound like I'm a lost case!" You whined. Kiyoko just stared at you, then, she smiled, shaking her head.

"Continue your cheerleading." She said, waving her hand aimlessly.

You took that invitation, and cheered. You did a couple tricks too. It helps that in your old highschool in America, you were the cheer captain.


Yachi and Kiyoko decided to join in for the last part.

"KARASUNOOOOO!" You guys cheered, Nishinoya and Tanaka getting all dreamy eyed.

Karasuno won that game too, and you raced down to greet them.

"YAY KARASUNOOOOO!!!" You cheered, running to the team, giving them high fives, Kiyoko and Yachi behind you.

"!" Yachi said, catching her breath from running to try and catch up to you.

"Haha! Sorry Yachi-chan!" You say, patting her head.

"Of course we won!" Tanaka said pridefully.

"Such beautiful women were cheering for us!" Nishinoya said gleefully.

"No way in hell would we lose!" Tanaka and Nishinoya said in unison.

This of course, made you delighted, and you giggled.

"You probably would've won anyways though." You say with a smile, "After all, you guys are the best!"

"(Y/N)-senpai~!" They cooed, glittery eyed.

You giggled and patted their heads, ruffling Nishinoya's hair.

"Well, we better go, this was the last game of the day, right?"

They nodded, so you started to help them clean up, and when you guys started to leave, you noticed Kiyoko was missing.

"Eh? Hold on guys, Kiyoko is missing! I think she's still inside! I'll go get her!" You say, waving.

And there, of course, was Kiyoko, your best friend...surrounded by guys. This made your blood boil. As her best friend, you refused to let a couple fuck boys go near her, never the less ask her for her number.

You stormed over to her, grabbing her wrist.

"Kiyo-Kiyo, let's go! We're late!" You singsonged, she nodded. You knew her like the back of your hand, and you could tell she was scared.

"Hey, who're you?" One of the guys asked. He had dirty blonde hair that looks swept back from gel, and when he spoke, you saw that he had a tongue piercing.

"Why? Is that any of your business?" You ask snarkily, putting Kiyoko behind you.

"Woah! Chill, doll face. I just wanna know who I'm talking to, y'know?"

"Doll face? You've got to be kidding me." You laugh, "Just who do you think you are?"

"Your future boyfriend?" He says, leaning in so that he was face to face with you.

"My future boyfriend eh? Nice try but" You say, pushing his face away with your index finger.

"Why not?" He smirked.

"You were just hitting on my best friend, do you seriously think I'm that dense?" You reply, crossing your arms, "Or maybe you're just that dense."

"Ouch." He said, clutching his 'heart' with his right hand. "Why'd you have to go breaking my heart like that?"

"What heart?" You ask.

"OUCH!" He said, faking a mini heart attack, "I think I'm dying!"

"Yeah, you go do that." You say, turning on your heel, grabbing Kiyoko's wrist and leaving.

"Thanks (Y/N)-chan." Kiyoko whispered.

"No problem." You say, smiling.

"Oi! Doll face! I didn't catch your name!" You heard the guy holler.

"Well, I didn't get yours either now did I?" You answer, turning around.

"Terushima, Terushima Yuuji." He responded. You smirked and left.

"Maybe next time I'll tell you, Terushima-san."

And with that, you and Kiyoko made your way to the rest of Karasuno.

"What took you girls so long?" Hinata asked worriedly.

"Oh, we just ran into a wall, that's all." You said.
~Time Skip~

It was another day of volleyball, and you and the rest of Karasuno made your way to the entrance.

It's been quite long until you've been here, especially after Karasuno's loss to Aoba Johsai.

Then, you saw another volleyball team heading out from the entrance.

"Johzenji." You read from a jacket. Then, in the front, you saw that Terushima guy.

You sighed.

'Oh god no. I hope he's forgotten me.' You thought.

"Doll face!" He called out.

"Hey Terushima-san." You said, half-dead.

"I still haven't caught your name, and if my memory serves me right, you said 'next time'?" He smirked.

"Yeah, I did say that, now didn't I?" You say, pretending to be deep in thought, your index finger placed delicately on your chin, "But if my memory serves me right, I said 'maybe'." You smirked at him, tilting your head.

"Come on, we'll be late!" Daichi called out to you.

"Coming!" You say, walking past Terushima.

"I'm (L/N), (L/N) (F/N)." You say as you walked past Terushima, not making any eye contact.

"Nice to meet you, (L/N)-chan." You heard Terushima mumble happily.

Even though you two barely knew each other, something in you knew, that this day, wouldn't be the last time you'd see that idiot Terushima.

"I look forward to the next time." You whisper to yourself, a smile forming on your face.

So, how was this chappy? Was it ok? I surely do hope so lol.
Any requests?

Love y'all!!!


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