Pickup Lines || Nishinoya Yuu x Reader

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As you walked to the boys volleyball gym, a familiar voice called out to you. As a new and really pretty manager, these two boys couldn't help but hit on you.




"(Y/N)-san~!" A small figure jumped towards you.

"Wha-?" You turn around, unable to react in time.

You stare at a grinning Noya, a blush rising to your cheeks. Although you hated to admit it, over the past week after transferring to Karasuno, you've fallen for the little guy, but since he keeps on hitting on you, you couldn't take him seriously.

In fact, you weren't even sure if Noya would return your feelings.

"(Y/N)-san?" You heard Nishinoya say, interrupting your train of thought.

"Y-yes Noya-San?" You replied, staring into his eyes, getting lost in his chocolate orbs, shaking your head a bit to stay focused.

He had a really serious expression on his face, which worried you.

"(Y/N)-san...You must be a keyboard."

You tilted your head in confusion.

'Ummm...me? A keyboard. Okie then?' You thought, then, Nishinoya finished his sentence.

"Because you're just my type!" He exclaimed, his face flushed.

Your face immediately heated up, and you felt like you were going to faint.

'STOP BEING SO CUTE YUU!!!' Your head hollered.

Nishinoya, obviously embarrassed since you weren't responding, began to scratch the back of his head, chuckling in worry.

'It's now or never...' You thought.

"Noya-san..." You mumble, he turned to face you, excitement written all over his face, while a worried Asahi cowered, afraid to see his friend get rejected.

"A-are you medicine...be-because my doctor said I'm missing Vitamin Yuu." You stutter, your face immediately redder than a tomato.

Nishinoya, was clearly taken aback by your sudden pickup line.

"(Y/N)-san...that was...SO CUTE!!!" Nishinoya hollers, jumping on you and hugging you tightly. You hugged him back, still flushed, which made him hug you harder.

"No-Noya-san?" You whimper.

"What is it?" He asks, not letting go.

"I-I can't breath!" You exclaim, Nishinoya immediately letting go of you.

"S-sorry!" He cries.

"It's ok!" You giggle, still catching your breath.

Nishinoya absolutely adored your giggle, making him act...a bit more flirty than usual.

All of a sudden, you felt something on your lips, stopping your giggle in its tracks.

'IS HE KISSING ME?!' You thought in shock.

His slightly chapped lips felt perfect on yours, and you found yourself unconsciously kissing him back. The kiss lasted almost forever, but it felt like it was less than a second. Time flew by so fast, and when you two finally parted lips, you were both out of breath, gasping for air.

"BROOOOO YOU DID IT!!!" Tanaka hollered, cheering on Nishinoya.

"YUP!" Nishinoya said proudly, while you sat on the ground, embarrassed. You completely forgot people were watching.

"Well, I guess I've got myself a girlfriend now?" He exclaims, looking at you with a wink.

"Yeah yeah." You mumble, still embarrassed.




Hello minna! I just wanted to say sorry for not updating in like, two weeks, it's just that school sucks ass.

Yeah it rly does.

Love y'all!!!


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