Yes, I'm a Dino Nerd || Tsukishima Kei x Reader Part One

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You were transferring to Karasuno high school, as a first year, due to your parents moving around a lot for work. In your old schools however, you've made quite the reputation.

In every school you've ever gone to, you were known as,

the heartbreaker.

With your beautiful looks and flirtatious smile, what's not to love? You've broken many hearts before, in fact, it's become a game for you. After all, you've been heartbroken before. Every guy is the same, idiotic and ready to break your heart when a prettier girl walks past, that's just how guys are. You sigh and turn the volume to your music louder as you walked to your new school. You slowly entered the classroom.


"Oh. So you're finally here." The teacher says.

"Sorry about that, my house is a mess since we just moved in!" You say with your signature smile, the teacher nodding, a gesture for you to introduce yourself.

'It worked!' You thought proudly walking up to the centre of the black board to start talking, wanting all eyes on you.

"Hi! I'm (F/N) (L/N)! I like to play volleyball and basketball, and umm, nice to meet you." You said with a smile, all the boys staring at you with blushes.

Then, that's when you saw him. The only guy not blushing. In fact, he didn't give a care in the world about how pretty you were, and this shocked you.

'Him,' you thought, 'He's my new game'

And that's how your first day started.

~time skip~

By the end of your first day, almost all the guys in your grade had fallen head over heels in love with you, except him.

'Who is that blonde glasses kid anyway. I don't even know his damn name!' You thought, scrunching your nose as you walked past the gyms, looking for the girls volleyball team.

"You shouldn't do that." You heard a voice say. He was obviously talking about your nose. Turning around, you saw blonde glasses kid.

"Why not?" You huffed, crossing your arms.

"It's makes you look like a piglet." He bluntly answers back.

Without any comebacks ready, you spoke playfully.

"Well oink oink to you too." You say, turning around on your heel, remembering the first rule of how to be a heartbreaker.

'Let them chase after you'

"Hey." He called out as you started to leave.

'Bingo!' You thought.

"You're looking for the girls volleyball team aren't you? I heard you say you liked volleyball."

"Yeah?" You replied, a bit disappointed.

"Well, the boys and girls are having their first joint practise, so quit wandering around and come in the gym." He bluntly said again, then he enters the gym, leaving you outside alone.


You shrugged it off and followed him into the gym.

"Gwaaaah! It's (Y/N)-san!" You heard a boy with ginger hair say, his eyes sparkling.

"Hinata, am I right?" You ask, your signature smile on.

"Y-yes!" He responded, flustered.

You giggled and sashayed over to the girl's volleyball captain, asking her if you could join the team.

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