Chapter 4 Love can be dangerous

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Zane and Pixal were in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner. Not much had happened after they got back from Borg Towers. They had lunch, Zane and the other ninja had another training session and Pixal and Nya were talking for a very long time. Then dinner time arrived and Zane made supper. Now he and Pixal were cleaning while Lloyd, Cole, Jay, Kai, Nya, Sensei Wu and Misako drifted off to sleep.
Zane was washing a pot with hot water and he suddenly started humming, "the Weekend Whip", Jay's favourite song. Pixal looked over at him and started giggling.
Zane then put the pot away. He went over to Pixal and hugged her from behind. Pixal put the dish she was drying back in the cubort, Zane still holding on to her. She smiled as she grabbed his hands.
"Do you know the best part of the others being tired is?" Zane asked.
"What's that?" Pixal smirked.
"We finally have time to be alone" Zane said. Then he lifted Pixal up and threw her over his shoulder. Pixal laughed as Zane walked her over to his bedroom, laughing also. Zane was suprised that she was lighter than he thought. Then he put her down gently on his bed, then sitting beside her.
"You have a nice room. I thought it would be all messy like your brother's rooms" Pixal said, giggling a little. Zane chuckled.
"I'm not like my brothers. You should see Kai's. It looks like he fought a hippo in there" Zane joked. They both laughed.
Zane then layed back on one of his pillows, letting out a heavy sigh.
"You going to get ready for bed?" Zane asked.
"Nah. I don't have any tours tomorrow, so I don't have to look that nice" Pixal said.
"No? Okay, neither will I. Besides, I don't care what you sleep in. You're beautiful just the way you are, Snowflake" Zane said, a large grin on his face. Pixal blushed. She liked it when Zane called her Snowflake, his nickname for her.
Zane got under his covers and patted the other side of the bed.
"Come here. I'm lonely without you" Zane joked. Pixal let out a little snicker.
"Just one second" she said. Then she walked over to the light switch and flicked it off. Then she cuddled up next to Zane under the covers. The only light in the room was the faint glow of the moon shining through the window and the glow of Zane and Pixal's blue and green eyes, shining in the darkness.
Pixal leaned her head on Zane's shoulder. Zane blushed as he felt Pixal's leg overlap his.
"This is nice" Pixal said.
"Yeah. Totally beats being on the couch" Zane replied. Pixal chuckled, moving a little closer to him. Zane then grabbed Pixal's hip with one hand and her hand with the other.
"I love you more than anything. You know that, right?" Zane asked.
"Of course I do. I knew it from they first time I layed eyes on you" Pixal said. Although it was dark, she knew that he was smiling at her. Then they kissed each other.
"I love you, Zane" Pixal said.
"I love you too, Pixal" Zane replied. He then pulled up the covers a little more as they both closed their eyes and fell asleep, firmly gripping each other's hands.


The sun shone brightly into the room, waking Zane. He looked and saw his love still cuddled up in his arms. He said nothing but smiled, stroking her sliver hair.
Suddenly, Pixal's eyes opened. She turned around and faced Zane.
"Morning, Snowflake" Zane said, still stroking her hair.
"Good morning" Pixal said, a happy smile plastered on her face. Zane quickly glanced at the clock on his dresser. It blared 8:00am.
"I should probably get going. The others will probably want me to make breakfast. Again" Zane said. Pixal giggled.
"I could help. It would get it done a lot quicker" Pixal replied.
"Really? You would help me?" Zane asked. Pixal looked really suprised.
"Pardon my language, but that's kind of a stupid question. Of course I would help you! No matter what" Pixal exclaimed.
"Well, now I feel stupid. Of course you would help me. Just like I always help you" Zane said. Then he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Pixal blushed again, this time a deeper shade of red.
"Now, come on. We better get started" Zane said, getting to his feet. Then he walked over to Pixal's side of the bed and grabbed her hand, helping her to her feet.
"You're such a gentleman" Pixal snickered.
"Anything for you, Snowflake" Zane replied.
"Well, then, I'm right behind you" Pixal said. Then they both walked out of Zane's room and into the hall, holding each other's hands.
Little did Zane and Pixal know that someone was watching them. There was a camera right outside Zane's window. That camera belonged none other to Cyrus Borg. He was watching through his computer. And he was NOT happy. He threw a rench at a nearby machine, sending parts everywhere.
"He dared getting into bed with my assistant?!! SHE'S MINE!!!" Borg yelled, hitting the desk with his fist.
"The next time even one of them steps into my office, they will pay" he said.
"Nindroids are not meant to love" Cyrus sneered. "And I will make sure it stays that way".

I Will Protect You: A Pixane love storyWhere stories live. Discover now