Chapter 7: A Madman is Born

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The ninja, Sensei Wu and Pixal stormed into Borg's office. Wu wanted to reason with Borg and know the reason why he hurt their nindroid friends. Fortunately, all of Pixal's injuries were fixed, except that she limped every now and then and Zane sometimes had to help her walk. The hole in Zane's arm was fixed, but the cut on his cheek was still there.
They all then heard the sound of a rolling wheelchair. Borg came in, holding a wrench in his hand.
" Good to see you again" he said.
"Borg, we need to talk" Wu said, as calmly as he could.
"About what?" Borg asked. Kai then suddenly exploded in anger.
"Don't play dumb, Borg! You know why we're here! Why would you hurt two of our friends?!" he yelled. Borg sighed.
"I taught them both a lesson. Machines are not meant to love" Cyrus said. Then he stopped as he saw Zane and Pixal behind the others.
"What are they doing here?!" he yelled.
"That don't matter. They have a reason to be here" Lloyd said. Borg looked at Zane right in the eyes.
"We had a deal, Zane. You had to let my assistant go, or I would kill you both. Why are you still with her?!" Cyrus asked.
"I never shook on that offer. I'm going to stay by her side. Not after what you did to both of us" Zane said, grabbed hold of Pixal's hand.
"Please Mr. Borg, I love him! You know that I do" Pixal said.
"Yeah. The love that they have, you can't take away" Jay said. Borg looked at Pixal, ignoring what Jay had said.
"Do you even know what love is, Pixal?! Oh, who am I kidding! It's not like my pitiful, pathetic assistant would know what it is" Borg said.
Before anyone could say or do anything else, Zane rushed up and threw a punch at Borg's face. He flew out of his wheelchair and landed hard on the floor, blood started to ooze from his nose. The ninja looked at their friend, in complete shock.
"Zane! What the-" Cole started, but Zane's cold voice interrupted him.
"If you ever say something like that to her again, I WILL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!!!" Zane roared, pointing at Cyrus with his one hand, which was covered in Cyrus's blood. He started walking towards Borg, but Lloyd and Pixal held him back.
"What the heck, Zane?! You weren't supposed to hurt him!" Lloyd exclaimed. Zane said nothing, but he clenched his fists.
"What's gotten into you?!" Pixal asked. Zane turned and faced her. The anger suddenly faded from his face and he relaxed his fists, still the one dripping with blood.
"I......don't know" Zane said quietly, tears starting to well up in his eyes. Then he broke from their grasp and ran towards the elevator.
"Zane, wait!" Cole called out. Suddenly, out if nowhere, Cyrus went on his knees, grabbed the wrench that was beside him and threw it right at Zane's head. It hit him, making a loud CLANK!
"AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHH!!!" Zane screamed in pain. He fell against the wall, trying to hold himself up.
"Zane!" Kai and Jay said at the same time as they ran up to him. They tried to help, but Zane ignored them, holding his head with his hands and walking inside the elevator and pressed the button to the main floor. The doors slammed shut.
"Someone has to go after him!" Lloyd exclaimed.
"I will. You guys stay with Borg" Pixal said. Then the elevator came back up and she walked in and went to the main floor.
The ninja shrugged, looking worried.
"I wasn't expecting that" Jay said. Then Kai and Wu helped Borg back into his wheelchair.

Pixal ran out of Borg Towers, chasing after Zane, who was in her view. It hurt a little when she ran, but she didn't care. Pixal kept on running.
Zane stopped at one of the gardens in New Ninjago City. He knelt down next to a small stream and washed Cyrus's blood off his hand.
"Zane!" he heard a voice say. He knew it was Pixal. She knelt down next to him.
"Your head!" she exclaimed. Zane  didn't notice that there was oil dripping down his forehead from the mark the wrench had made. It made his head pound.
"It's nothing. It's just a small mark" Zane said, trying to hide the pain.
"It's not nothing. You have a dent in your head. Here, this will help" Pixal said, pulling out a roll of bandages from her pocket. She started wrapping them around his forehead. Zane blushed. He felt a bit more calm now that Pixal was here. When she finished, she tied them in a small bow on the back of his head.
"Come on, let's sit on that bench" Pixal said, grabbing Zane's hand and helping him to his feet. He said nothing and just went along with it. They both sat down, looking into each other's eyes.
"Why did you do that?" Pixal asked.
"I don't know. He hurt you and I couldn't control myself" Zane sighed. Pixal squeezed Zane's hand tighter.
"I understand. I would probably do the same" she said.
"I just....." Zane started. He looked right into her green eyes.
"I don't want to see him hurt you anymore" he finished. They both leaned their heads against each other's, not saying anything for a while.
"We should head back. The others are probably worried" Pixal said.
"No, just.....I want to stay here. With you" Zane said. He thought that sounded a bit childish, but Pixal didn't seem to mind. She leaned in and kissed him, making him blush even more.
"I will protect you. I promise" Zane said, breaking off the kiss.
"I know you will. But.....let's not talk about that right now. I just want to forget it until we go back" Pixal said. Zane smiled warmly.
"Of course, love. Anything you say" Zane replied.
The fall wind had picked up while they were in the garden. Pixal was not used to cold temperatures, so she snuggled into Zane's chest, with him wrapping his arms around her. For a nindroid made of titanium, he was surprisingly warm. He kissed her forehead, making her blush.
"I love you, Pixal" Zane said.
"I love you more"
"That's not possible" he said. They both laughed. Then they both went silent, embracing each other more. An hour passed and by the time they chose to go back, then sun was setting. While they were at the garden, they completely forgot about the dangers of going back. All they thought about was their love for each other.

I Will Protect You: A Pixane love storyWhere stories live. Discover now