Chapter 8 Borg's Master Plan

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A week passed since the ninja had last spoken with Borg. During this time, not a word came out of Mr. Borg. No phone call. No hologram. Nothing. It was almost like he disappeared from the world.
It was about 8:00 pm. Zane sat in the living room, reading a book. Every now and then he would have to stop and hold his head, trying to contain the pain. Even though Nya had fixed the huge dent in his head about two days ago, the pain still hit him once and a while.
He then heard the door to his room open. He saw Pixal walk in, holding a bag of her stuff. He smiled and walked down to his room. He leaned against the frame of the door, crossing his arms.
"Getting settled?" Zane asked. Pixal turned around, seeing Zane's face and smiling.
"Yeah. You don't think the others will mind do you?" she asked him.
"Of course they won't. Besides, even though it seems that Cyrus has disappeared, he's still out there and it's dangerous" Zane said.
"Where are the others, anyway?" Pixal asked.
"Their all in bed already. I guess the diner I made must've worn them out" Zane joked. Pixal laughed. She walked towards Zane.
"Now that we're alone, do you want to have some fun?" Pixal smirked. Zane smiled, knowing what she meant.
"Indeed I do, Snowflake. I've been waiting for this for a long time" Zane said, grabbing Pixal's hand. Then she pulled him into his room and he closed the door behind him, locking it tightly.

Duh, duh, duh! I'm skipping right to the morning, just cause I don't want to write what happens next..

The sun shone brightly in Zane's room. Pixal's eyes snapped open. She was snuggled into Zane's bare chest, leaning her bare self in closer. Zane's eyes opened, looking right into her shining lime green eyes.
"Good morning" Zane said, stroking her shiny hair.
"Morning" Pixal said. She sighed happily.
"Last night.....did we really....?" she trailed off.
"I believe we did. I really enjoyed it" Zane smirked.
"I hope the others didn't hear anything from last night" Pixal replied.
"I doubt it. The walls are soundproof. I could make as much noise as I want in here and still no one would hear it" Zane answered. Pixal smiled.
"Well, then, I guess I don't have to worry" she said. Then she felt Zane put his hands on her hips as he pulled her closer. She then overlapped her leg with his, making him blush a bright shade of red.
"I've never felt more closer to you than ever before" Zane said, kissing her cheek.
"Me too. You were amazing last night" Pixal complimented. Zane let out a little chuckle.
"You were too. And, to be honest, I love it when your moaning my name" Zane joked, grinning. Pixal giggled. That made her blush even more than she already was.
"What time is it?" Pixal asked. Zane sat up for a brief second, glanced at the clock on his bedside table and layed back down.
"7:45. Do you think the others are awake yet?" Zane asked her.
"Probably not. They sleep in on weekends, correct?" Pixal asked.
"Yes. They probably won't be up till 9:00" Zane answered.
"Well, that gives us a little more time then" she replied, putting her hand on Zane's strong, titanium chest. He smiled warmly, nuzzling her cheek.
"Indeed it does" he said back. Then they both leaned their foreheads against each other's.
"I love you" Zane said
"I love you too" Pixal replied. And for a few minutes, they said nothing to each other, for embracing one another was ten times better. Eventually, Zane said, " We should get up. If I don't, the others will probably beg at my feet to make them breakfast".
" Oh, okay" Pixal responded, rather sadly.
"Hey" Zane started, cupping her cheek with his hand. "Maybe we'll get to have some more fun later" he said.
"I'd love that" Pixal said. Then she gave him a quick kiss before they both got up. Zane quickly slipped his ninja pants pants back on (he wasn't wearing pjs because, well, you know) and threw his ninja top back on too. Pixal got into her normal purple dress (same thing. Wasn't wearing pjs).
"Do you want me to help you with breakfast?" Pixal asked.
"You don't have to. You deserve a break" Zane replied.
"I've been taking a break for over a week. I think making breakfast won't do any harm" Pixal said defensively.
"Defensive. That's my girl" Zane chuckled, putting his hand on her hip, pulling her closer to him.
"You're so beautiful" Zane complimented. Then they started walking towards the door. Zane opened it, holding the door open for Pixal.
"And you're such a gentleman" she responded. The both smiled warmly at each other as they walked down the hall towards the kitchen, grasping each other's hands.


Cyrus Borg worked furiously on the machine. He had been building it for over a week now and he was just about finished.
He then plugged in the last cord and the machine came to life, making the room glow. Cyrus laugh wickedly.
"FINALLY! It is complete!" he yelled with joy. Then he took a large tarp and flung it on top of the machine.
"As soon as I get my hands on Zane and Pixal, I will drain their power sources and have enough power to last me a lifetime!" Borg exclaimed.
"This will teach them a lesson for falling in love with each other. I will restore balance to Ninjago City. Everything will be back to the way it was. When machines followed human orders" Cyrus said.
"And no one will stand in my way".

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