Chapter 5 Things get bad

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The Titanium Ninja sat on his bed, alone. He had just finished morning training. The other ninja usually play video games after training and asked if he could play. He said no, one because he was exhausted and two he didn't want Kai to yell at him again for beating his high score on 'Fist to Face 2'.
Pixal then suddenly crossed his mind. She was in the garden, alone. She said she was only going to be gone for a few minutes, but it has almost been an hour. Zane decided to go out and see how she was doing.
He quickly but quietly made his way down the stairs. They were in Sensei Garmadon's dojo now, so Kai, Jay, Cole and Lloyd were playing video games in the training room. As quiet as a, well a ninja, he sneaked passed them, trying not to make a sound. The last thing he wanted was the others begging him to play video games with them. He then made is way out the back door.
The sun was shining brightly as the wind whipped passed Zane's face. As he walked towards the gardens, all he could hear was the sound of leaves crunching underneath his feet. It was in the middle of October, so the large leafs on the trees were starting to fall and every now and then a rush of wind blowed them away.
"Pixal?" Zane called out. No answer. A drop of worry suddenly filled Zane's stomach, making him feel sick.
"Pixal?!" he called again, a little louder. Still no answer. He continued walking, looking behind trees and bushes, just to be safe. Suddenly, he felt something warm on the bottom of his foot. He brought it up and saw a small drop of oil on it.
"PIXAL!" Zane yelled. He then heard a small moan, coming from right in front of him. He ran towards it and there he saw, beaten and bruised, sitting against a tree, was Pixal.

"Pixal!!" Zane exclaimed, running towards her. He knelt down next to her, trying not to hurt her. He looked at her current state. She was covered in bruises and some small scratches, along with a deep cut on her leg.
"What happened?!" Zane exclaimed.
"Z-Zane, I....." Pixal croaked, but Zane stopped her.
"Shh..... Don't speak. Try to save your energy" Zane whispered to her.
"I-It....h-hurts....." Pixal rasped, tears welling up in her eyes. Zane wiped the tears from her eyes.
"I know. Just don't say anything" Zane said. He yelled at top of his lungs, turning his head away from Pixal for a brief second.
"HELP!!! ITS AN EMERGENCY!!!" Zane yelled. Then he put one of his arms behind Pixal's back and the other on the bottoms of her legs.
"Just hold on to me. I'm taking you home" Zane said. Pixal nodded.
Then Zane started running towards the dojo. Pixal tried her hardest to hold on to Zane's shoulders, but she was starting to loose her grip. Then Zane heard footsteps running towards him. He saw Kai, Jay, Lloyd, Cole and Nya running right at them.
"What happened?!" Nya asked.
"I don't know! I just found her like this!" Zane exclaimed, sounding really worried.
"Bring her back to the dojo. Quickly!" Lloyd ordered. They all ran towards the dojo as fast as they could. Suddenly, the world around Pixal went dark as she fell asleep in Zane's arms.

Pixal blinked a few times as she woke up. She was lying on a soft pillow with soft sheets covering her legs. There was a sharp pain in her leg that made her let out a small whine.
"She's awake" a muffled voice said. She recognized the voice right away. It was Zane's. Her vision started to clear and she saw Zane sitting next to her and the others around her.
"W-what happened?" Pixal groaned, holding her head.
"You passed out on the way here. Are you alright?" Nya asked her.
"I'm...alright. I guess" Pixal said.
"What happened to you? Were you attacked by an animal or something?" Lloyd asked. Pixal let out a deeply sigh, looking Zane straight in the eyes. He nodded.
"No. It wasn't an animal. It was......Mr. Borg" Pixal answered simply. The others gasped, looking at each other in disbelief.
"Borg did this to you? Why would he do that?" Jay asked.
"Come on, Pixal. Tell us what happened. We need to know" Cole said.
"I was outside, by myself, when Borg suddenly came out of nowhere" Pixal started. "He told me that nindroids shouldn't have feelings, and that I was going against my programming. Then he beat me up and just left".
The ninja were shocked by this story. Zane tried his best to contain his anger. But Kai didn't.
"Why would he do this to his own creation?! It's sick! I'm gonna go teach him a lesson!!" Kai yelled, walking towards the door. But Cole grabbed his arm, holding him back.
"No, Kai! Hurting Borg isn't the answer" he said.
Zane let out a sigh, and turned towards his friends.
"Um, guys. Can me and Pixal talk alone for a few minutes?" he asked. The others looked at each other.
"Of course. Take all the time you need. Come on, guys, let's go" Lloyd said. Then they all started walking out the door.
"Thank you, Lloyd" Zane said. Lloyd just smiled as he closed the door behind him.
Zane faced Pixal, grabbing her hand.
"Pixal, tell me the real reason why Borg did this to you. You always start to shiver when your hiding something" he said. Pixal sighed.
"The real reason he attacked me is because he thinks that nindroids aren't supposed to fall in love. He was watching us, Zane" Pixal said.
"What?" Zane asked, sounding slightly angered.
"He was watching us. He told me about the cameras he has on the Bounty. All those times we were together, he saw us" Pixal finished. Zane took a deep breath, trying to not burst out in anger. He gripped her hand tighter.
"That doesn't matter right now. The most important thing is that you're safe" he said. Pixal smiled.
"Your hands are so cold" she said.
"I know" he said, kissing her hand right after. She blushed.
"You need some sleep. I'll be right outside" Zane said. Then he got to his feet and started walking out the door.
"Zane, wait!" Pixal exclaimed. Zane stopped.
"Can you stay with me?" she asked nervously. Zane smiled.
"Of course. Always" he said. Then he pulled up a chair right next to her bed and sat down, looking right into Pixal's green eyes.
"I'll be here all night. I promise" he said.
"Thank you, Zane" Pixal said.
"You need some rest. If you need anything, I'm right here" Zane said, stroking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"I love you" Zane said, putting his hand down.
"I love you too" Pixal said. She looked at him before sleep overwhelmed her and she drifted off to sleep. Zane sighed, sitting back in the chair.
"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again. I swear my life on it" Zane whispered to himself.
"I'm going to talk with you, Borg. Either you like it or not".

I Will Protect You: A Pixane love storyWhere stories live. Discover now