Chapter 12 A Happy Ending

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Zane sat on the couch in the living room. Today had been a really busy day for him, for taking care of he and Pixal's house was a tough job. But he was glad the day was done and he could relax.
"Daddy!!" a small voice called out. Then Zane looked and saw a little nindroid boy run towards him. A huge smile stretched across Zane's face as the boy jumped onto the couch and into his arms.
"How's my little boy?" Zane asked, hugging him tightly.
"I'm good, daddy!" the boy exclaimed. Zane's son's name was Fein. He was about 2 years old. He had sliver hair like Pixal and even had her lime green eyes. He often wore a small, grey kimono with grey pants. Unlike most 2 year old's, he was able to speak in full sentences and understand hard words. He was a nindroid, after all. But he still has the attitude of a small boy.
"What did you do today, daddy? Did to fight bad guys?" Fein asked in his sweet little voice.
"I sure did" Zane replied.
"Did you kick their butts?" Fein asked again. Zane chuckled.
"You bet I did. And do you know why?" he said to his son.
"Why?" Fein said, laughing while taking.
"Because no one messes with your dad!" Zane exclaimed. Then he pulled Fein in closer and gave him a friendly noogie. Fein laughed hard, as he then tackled Zane.
"Are you two boys done roughhousing?" a voice said. Both Zane and Fein looked and saw Pixal walk in. But she wasn't alone. In her arms, she was cradling a small, baby nindroid.
Zane and Pixal had recently had another baby boy, over one month ago. His name was Trevor. He looked almost exactly like his father, with the titanium skin and the light blue eyes. The only thing that was different was that he had spiked hair that was almost as big as his head, instead of Zane's normal haircut.
"Hi, mommy!!" Fein said, his bright smile making Pixal smile back.
"Hi, sweetie. Want to say hi to your baby brother?" Pixal asked. Fein nodded as he walked up to Pixal. She then knelt down so Fein could get a closer look.
"Hi, baby bro" he said, stroking the baby's shiny hair. Trevor let out a joyful baby laugh, grabbing onto Fein's palm with his tiny little hands. Then Zane got to his feet, stretching his arms up and yawned as he walked towards Pixal.
"Hi, Snowflake" he said, wrapping an arm around Pixal and kissing her forehead.
"Hi. How was your day?" Pixal asked, leaning into Zane's embrace.
"Exhausting. Me and the others had to deal with some bank robbers again" the Titanium Ninja said.
"Well, it's a good thing you're home. I missed you" Pixal said, smiling.
"I missed you too" Zane said back. Then, their doorbell rang.
"I'll get it" Zane replied as he walked towards the door. He opened it and he saw Jay and Nya in the doorway.
"Hi, Zane!" they both said at the same time. Zane raised his eyebrows in suprize.
"Jay? Nya? What are you doing here?" Zane asked.
"We just thought we'd drop by. See how you and Pixal are doing" Nya said.
"I thought you guys were on your honeymoon" Zane said, still a tad suprized.
"We decided to move it to next month. It was a bad timing for flights" Jay joked. They all laughed.
Jay and Nya had recently gotten married about 2 months ago. Zane was very happy for them.
"Uncle Jay! Aunt Nya!" Fein called out as he ran towards them.
"Hey, buddy!" Jay said as he lifted Fein up. "How's my little nindroid pal?"
"Good" Fein said simply, smiling.
"Oh, you've gotten so big! Your such a cutie!" Nya exclaimed, ruffling Fein's hair. The little nindroid giggled.
"Hey, you guys want to see your baby nephew?" Zane asked. Jay put Fein down.
"YES!!" the both said with pure excitement. Zane chuckled as he led them to the living room.
"Pixal, Jay and Nya are here. They came for a visit" he said. Pixal smiled as they walked in.
"Hi, Jay. Hi, Nya" she said.
"Hi, Pixal. How's your day been?" Jay asked.
"Good. You guys want to see Trevor?" Pixal asked. They both nodded. Then Pixal walked over and showed them the baby nindroid she had in her arms.
"Awwww....." they both said at the same time.
"Do you mind if I...?" Jay asked.
"Of course. Just, try not to drop him, like you almost did with Fein" Pixal whispered, so that their other son wouldn't hear.
"Hey, that was an accident! I didn't know he would be that heavy!" Jay exclaimed. Both Nya and Pixal giggled and Zane let out a little chuckle. Then Pixal handed Trevor over to Jay, who then started to cradle him slowly.
"Hey there, little buddy. I'm your Uncle Jay" the Master of Lightning said.
"And I'm your Aunt Nya" the Water Ninja replied, stroking Trevor's long hair.
"He looks just like you, Zane" Nya said to her nindroid friend. That made Zane smile.
"Yeah. Pretty soon, you're going to be as strong and brave as your father" Jay said. Zane chuckled again.
"And don't forget as smart as your mother" he said, wrapping an arm around Pixal. She blushed, smiling warmly.
Suddenly, there was another knock on the door. Zane ran over and opened it again. There he saw Lloyd, Kai and Cole.
"Hey, Zane" Kai said.
"Hey, guys! Why, is everyone visiting today?" Zane said, greeting them warmly.
"Jay and Nya told us they'd be here, so we decided to drop by" Cole said.
"Well, you guys are welcome anytime. Pixal! Kai, Lloyd and Cole are here!" Zane exclaimed as he let them walk in.
"Yay! More family!" Fein yelled out. Kai, Lloyd and Cole all ran up and hugged the small nindroid.
"How's my favourite nindroid?" Lloyd asked.
"Hey!" both Zane and Pixal said at the same time. They all laughed.
"Just kidding. Your all awesome" Lloyd said back. Then he stood up and grabbed Kai's hand.
Kai and Lloyd had recently gotten into a relationship. Apparently, Kai had deep feelings for Lloyd every since they met. Little did the Master of Fire know that Lloyd felt the same way.
"Daddy?" Fein asked, turning to his father.
"Yes, Fein?" Zane replied, smiling.
"Why are Uncle Lloyd and Uncle Kai holding hands?" the little nindroid asked. Suddenly, Kai and Lloyd both blushed, a little embarrassed. Zane snickered, and so did everyone else.
"Well, son, sometimes a boy can have feelings for another boy" he replied.
"Well, can two boys have babies?" Fein asked again. That made Kai and Lloyd blush even more.
"Ummm..... How bout we talk about this some other time.....when your older" Zane said. They all laughed.
"Mind if we say hi to your new kid? We haven't met him yet" Cole asked, changing the subject.
"Of course" Pixal said as she stood up, so that they could see the baby nindroid.
"He's so cute! What's his name?" Kai asked.
"His name is Trevor" Pixal said. Then, hearing his name, Trevor made another happy baby laugh.
"Hey, when are you two gonna have a kid?" Lloyd asked Jay and Nya. The Walker couple both blushed madly.
"Ummmm...... Hey! it okay if we all stay tonight?" Jay asked, changing the subject.
"All of you? I don't know....." Zane trailed off.
"Please, Daddy! I like playing video games with Uncle Cole!" Fein exclaimed. The Master of Earth then made a face of determination.
"I will beat you this time" he said, grinning.
"It on, Uncle" Fein sneered, then they both laughed hard.
"Well......" Zane continued to trail off. Pixal then put her hand on his shoulder.
"It's alright, honey. It's nice to have them back again. Plus, they can help take care of the troublemakers" Pixal joked, ruffling Fein's hair again as he giggled.
"Oh, alright! You guys can stay. Plus, you got here just in time. I'm about to make dinner" Zane replied. Then, everyone threw their arms up and cheered.
"WHOOO HOOO!!! I really missed Zane's dinners!" Jay yelled with excitement. They all started laughing.
Hours passed as the night started to fly by. Zane made dinner for everyone. Cole and Fein played some video games while the others talked in the kitchen. They all ended the night with a friendly game of Super Smash Bros (let's just say, Pixal kicked some serious butt). Eventually, they turned the game off and most of them drifted to sleep in the living room. Nya was snuggled into Jay's cheat on a rocking chair. Lloyd was lying on Kai's lap on a sofa chair and Cole was sleeping on the floor, with bits of cake on his mouth. Pixal was sitting on the couch, with Fein sleeping on her lap. Then she heard Zane sigh as he walked in into the living room and plopped down next to her. He was cleaning up the kitchen.
"Is Trevor asleep?" The Titanium Ninja asked.
"Yeah. I put him to bed while you were in the kitchen" Pixal replied.
"How is he?" Zane asked, pointing at the sleeping Fein.
"He's such a heavy sleeper. Just like someone I know" she said, putting her head on Zane's shoulder. Zane chuckled, but then his smile suddenly faded.
"Let's just hope he doesn't get my nightmares" he said.
"Me too" Pixal said back.
"Are you still having dreams about....him?" Zane asked.
"Sometimes. The dreams are starting to pass. I just hope he doesn't come near our family" Pixal replied. Then Zane kissed Pixal's forehead.
"I won't let him. Remember the promise I made two years ago. While their is life in my body, I won't let anyone harm you or the boys" he said, looking right into her eyes.
"I know. I'm just happy that we're all together. One big happy family" Pixal joked. They both laughed. Then Pixal put Fein on both their laps as she snuggled into Zane's chest. Then they kissed each other passionately.
"I love you, Zane" Pixal said.
"I love you too, Pixal" Zane replied. And with that, they both drifted off to sleep, thinking about what the future had in store for their new family.

The End......for now.....

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