Chapter 1 Lovedroids

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Zane sat at a desk in Cyrus Borg's office, typing away on a computer. Mr. Borg had asked him if he could help him with a new computer program that he was designing.
He then heard the elevator door open behind him. He turned around in his spinning chair and saw Pixal walk in. A sudden smile stretched on his face.
"Hi" he said.
"Hi" she said, smiling back. Then she walked over to the desk he was at.
"How's the computer program coming?" Pixal asked.
"Slowly. There's still some access codes that I'm to break through. It will be ready by tomorrow. Hopefully" Zane replied.
Pixal then put her hands on his shoulders
"Come on. You deserve a break. All of my tours are done. You can finish it tomorrow" Pixal said, massaging his shoulders.
"Well, I suppose I could wait until tomorrow. I hope Cyrus doesn't mind" Zane said.
"Oh, I don't mind!" a voice exclaimed.
Both Zane and Pixal turned around and saw Cyrus roll into the room. Pixal quickly jerked her hands off Zane's shoulders, both of them blushing.
"Am I interrupting something?" Cyrus asked, a smile on his face.
" Nothing at all" Zane stammered.
Cyrus rolled over to the computer where Zane was working.
"Well done, Zane! The code looks excellent!" Cyrus yelled happily.
"Well, It's not finished yet. You don't mind if I go back to the others, do you?" Zane asked
"Of course not! You know what, both you and Pixal deserve a break. You both have worked hard today" the engineer said.
"Thank you, Mr. Borg!" Pixal exclaimed.
"Thank you, Cyrus" Zane said, nodding.
Then Zane stood up and walked with Pixal to the elevator.
They walked in and Zane pressed the button to the bottom floor. They both waved at Cyrus. He waved back as the doors shut.


Pixal and Zane walked onto the Destiny's Bounty. When they walked in, Jay and Nya greeted them.
"Hey, guys!" Jay said.
"Hi, Jay. Hi Nya" Zane said. Pixal just smiled and waved. Nya giggled and waved back.
"Where are the others?" Zane asked.
"Oh, they had to go deal with a bank robbery in Ninjago City. They're be back tonight" Nya said
"Why didn't you guys go?" Pixal asked.
"One of the Bounty's engines broke. Me and Nya are fixing it" Jay said, winking at Nya.
"Do you want us to help?" Pixal asked.
"Oh, you don't have to! You guys just got back. We can fix it ourselves" Jay said.
"So what do we do in the meantime?" Zane asked.
"Just relax. We can handle this. You two can do what ever you want!" Nya exclaimed. Then Nya grabbed a toolbox from the supply closet. Then she started walking back to the engines with Jay.


Zane lay on a couch, reading a book. He had just finished eating the dinner he had made.
Lloyd, Kai and Cole had gotten back an hour ago, so Zane had made dinner for them when they got back. They ate it quickly and went to bed, because they were super tired.
Jay and Nya had finished repairing the engine and they had dinner too. But they went to sleep fast as well. Zane and Pixal were the only ones awake.
Zane flipped the page in his book.
"Tired?" the voice of Pixal said. He turned his head toward her and yawned in response. Pixal chuckled.
"Want to sit down?" Zane asked.
"Sure" Pixal replied. Then Pixal plopped down next to him and he put his arm around her. She then leaned her head against his. Zane grabbed her hand.
"Are nindroids meant to love?" Pixal asked.
Zane frowned at the thought of it. Technically, they weren't.
"I don't see why not. I mean, I love you" Zane smirked, kissing Pixal's forehead. She blushed and giggled.
"I love you too" she said back.
Then Zane layed back and Pixal cuddled up in his chest.
"We are meant to love. I know we are"
Pixal said, putting her hand on Zane's chest. Zane smiled.
"I know we are too" he replied. Then they kissed for a moment. And the last thing Pixal heard was the sound of Zane's mechanical heartbeat before they both drifted off to sleep.

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