Cemetery Drive - Chapter 15 - Blood

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Dedicated to Midnighteyes for reading and commenting and being AWESOME! I think my minions like you :D

And on another note, I was honestly expecting more people to like Mark! But as they say, first impressions are everything.

Chapter 15

Mikey's POV

I ran over to the window and clambered out clumsily, nearly faceplanting the floor outside. "Careful," Hailey sniggered. I shot her a glare and steadied myself. When we were all safely outside, I shut the window.

"Mikey!" Gerard exclaimed.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"That's the only open window!"

I looked at it, then back at him. "Crap." Hailey rolled her eyes, then hit me upside the head. "I really wish you'd stop doing that," I grumbled, rubbing my head.

"It's fun," she shrugged.

I suddenly stopped dead, remembering why we were out here in the first place. "We have to hurry up!"

"Oh yeah," Hailey said. We took off sprinting.

I knew she was just doing this to be a good friend, but there was an entirely different, more pressing reason, we had to get there fast. I really should have told them, but I didn't think it would matter, if they were broken up. I really should've told them right then, but I swore to Lauren and I wasn't one to break a promise. I would only tell them if Lauren said I could, or if she was in danger. She was in danger, but she only left a few minutes ago, it couldn't be that bad... could it? I ran even faster, until my legs were burning, but I didn't stop.

After what seemed like a way too long of a time, the house came into view. I kicked open the gate and hammered down the door until it fell off it's hinges. Hailey gave me a weird look, but Gerard just looked amused.

"Lauren?" I yelled. "Lauren?" I went to the left, while the others went to the right. "Laure-" I stopped dead at the bottom of the stairs.

Lauren was lying on the floor, half still on the stairs. Blood surrounded her, still pouring out of what looked like freshly made wounds. Her hair looked like a bird's nest, matted with blood. I assumed she was unconscious, since she wasn't moving or making a sound. I lifted up my left foot, and looked at the sole. Blood was dripping from it.

"In here!" I yelled. Or, at least, I tried to yell. It came out more of a whisper.

That monster beat her nine tenths to death, made it look like she'd fallen down the stairs, then disappeared. How could Mark do something like that to her? She didn't deserve it. She was clever, funny, caring, just about everything you could ask in a friend, or a wife. It made me sick to think how anyone would want to even hurt her in the smallest way. Footsteps came from behind me, followed by a few gasps.

Gerard ran over to her, kneeling down next to her. He checked her pulse, then turned her head slightly. Her eyes were closed. "She's breathing," he choked out.

Hailey pulled out her phone, and dialled three numbers. "I'm calling nine one one," she whispered. Gerard and I exchanged a disbelieving look, then looked back at her. I raised an eyebrow, and it took her a second after that to realise. "Oh!" She pressed 'reject', then dialled nine nine nine. "Hey? Uh... ambulance please. It's an emergency. Three two three, Applewood road. Okay. Thanks." She put the phone down from her ear. "They're on their way. Five minutes, they said."

"Five minutes?! She doesn't look like she has five seconds! Tell them to come faster! She's dying here! She can't! She can't..." He trailed off, looking down at her. He dropped his head, and grabbed her hands. I couldn't be too sure, but he looked like he had tears in his eyes, but that could just have been a trick of the light. "She can't..."

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