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Newt carried me the whole way down the long narrow corridor. I felt so weak, what ever Wicked did to me, what ever they injected into me, it was working. My eyes were beginning to close. "Bella, please don't fall asleep on me now" Newt pleads.
"I'm tired" I mumbled.

"Newt try keep her awake, who knows what they've injected into her" Brenda advises Newt.

"Bloody hell Bella, you're heavy" Newt mumbles.

"Newt, just put me down" I groan. He does as his told. He lets out a long sigh.
"Well we can't bloody leave you here!" He argues.

"Just leave me here, go," I mumble to him.

"No Bella, whatever happens, you and I will stick together no matter what" he tells me.

"Newt go, look for the Right Arm Army" I mumble. "Find Gally." And that was the last thing I said before I passed out.


Peters P.O.V.

"Newt go, look for the Right Arm Army" Bella mumbles. I stood frozen in shock, how did she know about them. Bella mumbled her last sentence "Find Gally" she says before she passes out onto the white floor. Newt tries to wake her up, its no use she's passed out unconscious because her brain is trying to malfunction what's going on.

I look over at my sister Allison, who just stares in horror. I walk over to her while the others are distracted by trying to wake up Bella.

"Ally, she knows about them she could lead us their, to them, to Dad" I whisper to her.

"Peter, no, stop, we will not talk about this, not right now, we need to get out of here first" she whispers to me then walks over to the others. Who are now arguing with one another.
"Hey!" I shout. They all turn towards me. "You guys search for a way out, I'll carry Bella."

They all agree to this except for Newt. Whatever the guys problem is with me, he can sort it out later. Right now we need to find a way to get out of here. While the others head off to find a way out, I grab an unconscious Bella and place her over my shoulder.
"Be careful with her" Newt mutters perfectly for me to hear.

I turn around to face this little runt. "Dude she's not some China cup or some expensive glass that's gonna break any moment, so stop acting like some protective boyfriend, cause your not, you broke up with her, remember" I say to Newt. I could see a twitch forming on his face, he was getting angry, good.

"I may not be her boyfriend anymore but I'm still her friend, a friend that stood by her thick and thin" Newt explains to me.

"Oh really and where were you when she almost became a cranks meal, that's right off with your friends saving your own ass" I tell Newt.

"How was i suppose to know that, look I'm grateful for you saving her life, its just..."

"Just you feel threatened by me because I may have a chance with her and that I could protect her more than you ever could because well..... with the whole thing you being not immune, isn't it? I ask him.

"Yes" Newt says as he slides down by the wall and leans up against it and lets out a sigh.

"I've known Bella, for as long as I can actually remember, and she's been my best friend since the beginning. She's been their for me in my darkest hours, through a time when I wanted to give up, but she wouldn't let me do it, I jumped and it broke her heart, this is why I have this limp" Newt tells me as he points to his leg. " I even promised her once we get out of her, we could actually live happily together, but happy endings only exist in fairy tales. She could never have a normal life with me, she'd hafta watch me everyday turn slowly crazy and become a monster, and I don't want that for her, I could never want that for her." Newt gazes over at Bella, unconscious on my shoulder.

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