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Dear mom,

So this is what it's like to learn about a dozen or so very different sexualities when so far you've only heard of gay and straight.


Like, wow. There literally is a sexuality for everyone. Makes me think that no one is really "straight."
There were however some sexualities that were immediately jumping out at me:

Bisexual and pansexual.

Bisexual is when someone is attracted to two or more genders. Pansexual is being attracted to all genders, and people who identify as non-binary or gender fluid.

The gender part of my exploration would come much much later......

But I wondered: could I be bi? Could I be pan? Can I be both? Can I say fuck the labels and just love whoever I want?

I could. I don't know why I need labels to make me feel validated though, so I would have to pick one or some combination of both.

I knew for sure though now. I was not straight.

And I don't think I ever was.


Your daughter

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