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I SLOWLY CRAWLED back to the edge of the village, once I saw who had landed. Plastered all throughout the dormitories were pictures of the infamous Kylo Ren, most of them just silly caricatures with captions like 'kylo ren is a punk ass bitch' to motivate the young recruits. Leia would often pull them down, although I've never understood why. But despite what the other pilots have boasted, I am genuinely scared seeing Kylo Ren in the flesh, even if I can't see any shred of the human under the dark cloak.

I can't see where Poe is, and my heart begins beating faster. What if he's been hurt?

The old man is before Kylo now, and they share an exchange. I'm too occupied searching the village for Poe, and I cannot see him among the gathering in the middle of the village. Where is he?

BB-8 whines, telling me we should listen to Poe and leave the village, but I can't. Not knowing If Poe is okay while the leader of the First Order is here is almost horrifying.

"BB-8, go! Go, and I'll catch up if I can, just don't wait up for me, Poe is relying on you!"

BB-8 beeps back, his head leaning forward slightly, like the benevolent little droid is trying to intimidate me. I sigh, knowing he's right.

"I know Poe is relying on me too, that's why I can't leave him. Not with the First Order here anyways,"

BB-8 tilts his head and seemingly nods at me, before turning around and rolling away quickly. I hope he makes it back, that cheeky droid might be our last hope.

I watch Kylo Ren carefully as the old man speaks to him. He barely moves, his cloak swaying ever so slightly in the brisk evening breeze.

I carefully pull my blaster out, incase I can get a shot at the epitome of evil in front of me. But before I can react and shoot, Kylo Ren strikes down the helpless and innocent man before him, his crossguard saber as red as the blood spilt. I gasp and cover my mouth even though no one can hear me from this far away, and my grip on the blaster falters. But it seems someone was thinking the same as I was, because Poe suddenly bursts out from behind the x-wings, a blast zooming through the air from his rifle.

But it doesn't hit anything.

Kylo Ren has stopped it, his hand up in the air, freezing it before it could hit him. I nearly pass out. Poe looks stunned.

It's not until the stormtroopers grab his arms I realise he was literally stunned.

Shit. They've got him.

While Poe is kneeling before darkness personified probably saying something smart, I line up my blaster to shoot Kylo Ren. I've never killed someone before but I suppose public enemy number 1 is a good place to start. But as my finger tightens on the trigger, something unwanted and unauthorized enters my mind.

You cannot kill me.

My eyes widen and I gasp, shocked and confused. I still manage to pull the trigger as I feel myself being forced forward. The blaster bolt barely misses Poe's head and hits Ren in the right shin, an angry yell escaping from his mask.

As an unknown force drags me foward I tumble down the sand mound wall surrounding the village, my body twisting around. I can't brace myself because I'm falling out of my control, and I land hard on the ground, my wrist colliding between the ground and the lightsaber hilt hidden under my oversized jacket. I scream and try to roll over but I still can't seem to control myself.

I manage to hear Poe mutter 'God dammit Kitana' as manage to roll over, even though it feels like a weight is pinning me to the floor. It isn't until Ren is standing over me that I realise he's using the fairytale fabric - the force.

I see blood trickling down his leg, his pants singed so I can see his pale skin underneath. Flesh. Human. Still not sure if I believe so.

"Vader Junior, how's it hangin?" I manage to spit out as I roll onto my back. Ren doesn't react, well not that I can see.

Ren moves his arm and with a twist of his wrist, I can't breathe. He's choking me without even laying a hand on me. I'd be impressed if I dying. I gasp and claw at my neck even though nothing is visibly there.

"Let her go!" Poe screams in the distance, struggling against his restraints. A stormtrooper knees him to try and stop him, but he continues to struggle, his eyes locked on mine as black spots blur my vision. I can't even gasp anymore, and I can barely struggle against Ren. Just as I feel the life leaving my body, Ren lets go.

My body snaps up into a sitting position and my lungs fill with air. I gasp and I gasp and improptu tears stream down my face as I finally catch my breath.

"Put them on board," Ren orders his troopers. Two come from behind me and reef at my arms while I continue to cough, my throat dry. They place the electro shock restrains on my wrists, and I wince as one of the troopers pulls me by the wrist that's aching. I've given up struggling, my fate sealed. I'm totally a goner.

Poe, on the other hand, continues to struggle and groan against the troopers hauling him on board.

A chrome coated trooper stomps past me, giving me a look of disapproval. She - I assume its a woman, as I've heard rumors of a silver trooper named Phasma - goes over to Ren as he studies the villagers, who are huddled together like sheep.

"Sir, the villagers?"

I turn around to watch their conversation, my feet dragging along the ground as the troopers start to bring me up the ramp into Ren's ship.

"Kill them all,"

I turn back to Poe and we share a horrified look of disbelief. What have we done?

The lightsaber.

My eyes widen, but this time the voice in my head is not Kylo's. It's someone familiar. But whoever it is has just given me a great idea.

I pretend to cough and I nearly drop to my knees, the troopers grip releasing ever so slightly. Just enough for me to reach under my jacket and grab the saber.

A green blade shoots up from the hilt, Poe's eyes light up with a mix of joy and shock. I spin around and slice at the troopers holding me as best I can with the restrains on my wrists. They both drop to the floor and more run over to stop me, Poe sticking is leg out tripping one over. I wave the lightsaber around and they freeze, unsure how to stop someone with this kind of weapon.

But it seems Kylo Ren knows how to.

He rests his hand on my shoulder and suddenly my knees go weak. I quickly turn off the lightsaber as being to succumb to unconsciousness.

Poe screaming my name is the last thing I hear before I black out, someone catching me before I fall.

The last thing I think of is how General Leia is going to kill me.

That is, if the First Order doesn't first.

good job kitana lmao
what's gonna happen next ???

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