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THE ROOM I wake up in is cold. The air is sickly and artificial. I go to move and rub my aching temple, but my wrists are bound. I wince, hitting my left wrist on the restraints. It sends a shooting pain up my arm. That's broken, for sure. I open my eyes and find myself in a grey room, and that I'm not lying down like I thought.

I lean my head back so it's leaning on the cold surface and groan. I got myself into this, I'm going to have to get myself out.

How the fuck am I supposed to do that?

I sigh, defeated, and look around the room. My jacket and the lightsaber hilt is on a table across from me, as is the blaster. Just their to taunt me, I assume.

I wonder about Poe, and if he's okay. If they're going to hurt anyone, it will be Poe no doubt.

And then I think of the voice that spoke to me on Jakku. I had never experienced anything like that before, not even when Rustin snuck in some outer rim magic mushrooms. Maybe I'm going mad?

The force is not something of madness.

I gasp. "Who... Who's there?"

The voice chuckles. It fills me with warmth, like it's home. Like it is apart of me. It's so familiar yet I can't put my finger on it.

I didn't expect you'd recognise my voice, I don't want to show myself yet. It is to dangerous.

That voice. That voice. It couldn't be the voice that so long ago that told me tales of the galaxy's past and played with me in the garden?



"But... But you're dead, aren't you?"

I am one with the force now, I just didn't think you were force sensitive, so I never bothered to say anything.

"Can you help me out, then?"

No reply.

I sigh again. Thanks Gramps.

I start to stare blankly at the wall, my impending doom hanging over my head. I wonder if Ren will kill me. Probably. I bite my lip, hoping against the thought.

My head starts throbbing not long after my grandfather's voice has disappeared. It quickly turns into sharp, searing pain. I try not to scream, and instead clench my fists and bite my lip.

The resistance... Will not be intimidated.

"...Poe?" I mumble. Is Poe talking to me too?

I hear him cry out in pain, and I mimick it, because I feel the pain too. I can feel Poe's pain. Is this how the force works? I still don't know. Poe is being tortured, and I can't do anything to help him. My eyes sting with tears.

The pain numbs and I breathe deeply, I can feel the tears on my cheeks. Whatever was hurting Poe has stopped, but I don't think my pain is over yet.

The door opens, and Kylo Ren stomps inside. I make note the trooper guarding my cell. I almost gasp when he immediately comes so close that I could feel his breath on me, except I can't because of the mask. Why does this guy wear a mask anyways? Just for the aesthetic? 

"Uh, Hi," I mutter as he watches me carefully. He's scaring me, and he knows it. I gulp, and shift uncomfortable in this situation. "No hard feelings about me shooting you, right?" 

"Quiet, rebel scum," He mumbles, examining me like I'm hiding something. Which I am, of course. 

"Ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" I laugh at my own joke. Am I delusional? Talking to Kylo 'I kick puppies for fun' Ren like he's a schoolyard bully. 

He doesn't say anything. I sigh in relief. I decide to shut my mouth. 

"What is your name?" 

"Uh..." My mouth goes dry.

"What do you know of the droid?"

I shake my head. "Nothing,"

"You will tell me,"

I stop myself from making another witty remark. Kylo Ren stops pacing, and stands in front of me. He raises his arm, and I prepare for the worst.

But I got a nasty surprise, my worst is nothing compared to Kylo Ren's worst.

"Kitana," He says, as he searches through my head. I scream, even though I'm not even sure where the pain is coming from. I feel him trying to dig for information, it's so violating.

Clear your mind, he's trying to enter it.

I gasp as he delves deeper. Childhood memories flash past. He's lost in my mind. I throw more random memories at him, confusing him, trying to get him off my scent. But I am weak, and he is strong.

I cry out, my head throbs. He sees us on Jakku. He sees us in the old man's home. He sees me kiss Poe, and then he stops searching, even though he barely finds anything.

Without a word, he leaves. The door shuts, and again I am alone with nothing but my thoughts. I assume must have already got the information he needed from Poe, but obviously can't leave a prisoner without torturing them at least once.

I lean back again, trying to rest my mind. I think about Kylo in my head, and it sends shivers down my spine. How he sifted through all my private thoughts and memories. So awful.

My mind drifts to Poe - unsurprisingly - and I worry about the state he is in. I fear he is worse off than me.

I can't even believe some of my actions, reflecting on them now. Before today, Poe and I would only share glances in the hallways, he'd compliment me sometimes on my peformance in training and that's about it. And now, in the space of just a few hours our relationship escalated from childish flirting to kissing in the midst of battle. I'm not sure if it's awesome or plain unprofessional.

Mindlessly I try to free my uninjured wrist in the restraints, but it's nearly impossible to move. My legs are bound so tightly I can barely wiggle my toes. I wonder if I can use the force to get out of this...

I think really, really hard about the little screws in the restraints and the clamps holding me down. I think about them being released. I think about escape.

The restraints creak, and the clamps buckle. I close my eyes and think harder. I'd clench my fists if I could. Sweat rolls off my forehead. The screws begin to twist.

But before the restraints give way, Kylo Ren bursts into the cell, and raises his arm again. This time I feel my throat tighten as he strangles me like before.

He may have sensed you using the force, the memories have made him wary of you.

Thanks for the heads up.

Two imperial officers run in behind Ren. One of them has a really big needle in their hand. Oh no.

Ren stops strangling me just so the officer can stab me with the needle, I scream again but quickly I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness, again.

I don't even have enough time to say a witty remark before I'm in an unwanted sleep. I'm guessing whatever Ren shot me up with isn't just supposed to make me sleep, but make me weak also.

I hate being a damsel in distress.

1000 years later and I update.

Ok I had all my exams and assignments and my sw hype died down bUT now it's back so I'm back too!!!

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