Prompt 1

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Imagine Person A leaning in to kiss Person B and accidentally headbutting them.
// Im not a writer so sorry if this isn't written too well! I'll try my best c: //
"Come here" Wright insisted with a pleading voice.

"I'm busy with work, don't you see?" Edgeworth said calmly, without moving his eyes from his files.

"I'll come over to you if you won't come here" He replied sulking. Was a small kiss too much to ask from his hard-over-working-boyfriend?

Edgeworth didn't move from his place in the couch. Wright studied him as he carefully crept closer. His lover was too focused on his work to notice. His eyes carefully scanned each file, each hand carefully put the papers down to their respective places, he was graceful even this late at night. Wright couldn't help but love that man, even if he didn't want to stop his work for a kiss full of love.

"If I come close enough he can't do anything about a small peck on the cheek" Wright thought to himself, as he slowly sat down on the couch.

A small creak came escaped the couch as he did.

"Why are you suddenly sitting there?" Edgeworth suspiciously stated as he sat down.

"Oh I just wanted to look at my wonderful boyfriend work" He replied with a smirk. In a swift move he came closer to Edgeworth.
"I don't want to leave you alone" he continued with. A small feeling of sadness came over him.

Edgeworth stared back at the man suprised. The sincere look in his face struck something within him. Maybe a small kiss wouldn't hurt.

"One small kiss, then let me work, ok?" Edgeworth said looking away. Wright could see a small blush creeping up on his face.

The moment Edgeworth turned his head Wright was already rushing a smooch. A loud clonk came when their skulls collided with a clumsy move. Surprised sounds came out of them both, they didn't expect the kiss to turn out like that.

"Fool" Edgeworth muttered under his breath whilst rubbing his head.

"I was gonna kiss your cheek" His boyfriend replied with a sulky remark. "I wanted to suprise you"

"Well that didn't work out, so just let me return to my work no-" Edgeworth sighed.

Before he got to end his sentence, his lips were crushed against his lovers lips. A small moan escaped Wright as he pulled away to get air. Edgeworth gave a small smile before pulling Wright down in his lap. A small pat on his head made Wright quiet, from whatever his protest were to be.

"I'll return to working now, but I'll give you a kiss for each paper I'm done reviewing. Ok?" Edgeworth said softly to his shocked-but-satisfied counterpart.

"Mhm" Wright agreed grinning.

Edgeworth gave a small peck on his nose before peacefully going back to his work.. which didn't last long..

Hope this wasnt too bad, it's my first fic!
- Kurolan

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