Prompt 2

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  Imagine your OTP go for a bath and eventually fall asleep.  

(I thought this one seemed cute so I'll give this tumblr prompt a try !)


It was a cold autumn day in the household of Phoenix Wight. The leaves were collecting in piles on the balcony, and the wind sent freezing gushes throughout the house while he was sitting in the couch clutching a hot cocoa.

 It wasn't much to do, yet alone something to work on. Edgeworth had insisted on going to work, even though he tried to keep him home. That stubborn man, Phoenix throught to himself.

"There is no such thing as slacking off from a perfectly nice day to work" he muttered under his breath, trying to sound like Edgeworth.  

The phone buzzed in Wright's pocket as he was imitating Edgeworth. He quickly put the cup of cocoa down on the table, nearly knocking its contents out, just as he managed to get his phone out of his pocket.

"Phoenix Wright here" 

"It's Miles Edgeworth here" the other end replied with.

"Oh babe it's you" Phoenix expressed happily.

"Don't call me that right now! I have a task to assign you, before I come home" he hastly answered after the previous comment, before composing himself over the phone.

"A task?" Phoenix said slightly disappointed. At least he would have something to do he thought. "What is it then?"

"Could you make sure the bath is there till I'm home? I'm finishing up my work here before I leave. Woulnd't mind returning for a refreshing bath, you see?" Edgeworth said.

 Phoenix could nearly feel the other man smirk as he told him the task. 

"Is that okay?" Edgeworth asked, considering the silent tone over the phone.

"Yes!" Phoenix replied, suddenly realizing a wonderful idea. Who said bathing was only for one person at a time? 

"I will pack up and await you when I get home Phoenix. I .. love you" he hesitated, nearly whispering at the end.

"Don't be so shy Miles, I love you too okay? See ya' when you get home" He rushed before hanging up. He had a task to fullfill. 

He stuck his phone in the pocket of his sweatpants, before rushing to the kitchen. Where were the candlelights? They had to be somewhere, what would a romantic bath be without candlelights spread around the room like in the movies? 

He rummaged through the shelves, top to bottom. Nothing. Not even a trace of them. He halted a second, of course they wouldn't be in the kitchen, they were always in the drawers of the table in the living room. How stupid of him, how could he forget, he said to himself.

After setting candlelights all around the bathroom, he checked his phone. 20:19 was the time flashing up. Edgeworth was always on time when he came home, he would be no later than 20:30, which ment he had 11 minutes left. No time for slacking.

He started pouring warm water in the tub, before running back into the kitchen.

 What sort of drink would be suitable for the occation? Vodka? No that would be to weird, just serving vodka. Tequila? That didn't sound too good either, considering Edgeworth didn't like it too much anyways. Phoenix slapped himself with his palmes in his face, of course, wine! Wine was romantic!

He ran back into the bathroom, where the fiercly warm water was closing up. Considering two male men would be sitting in the tub, he didn't fill it too high up, but just perfectly for both of them to sit in it, without if flowing over.

He checked his phone again. 20:25. He had 5 minutes to do the finishing touches. He had to find the lighter, cups and other stuff they, could be needing.


A soft knock came on the door, before it was opened wide up. Edgeworth came in, looking to see if he could spot his boyfriend lounging around as he usually did on days like these.

"Phoenix, did you do what I asked of you?" he shouted out in the seemingly empty house, while he took off his jacket and shoes. Getting  no reply, he walked into the hallway. 

In the end of a hallway he could se a figure.

"Oh there you ar-" Edgeworth said with relief untill he saw what Phoenix was wearing. "You fool!" he cried out with a soft laugh.

In the other end, Phoenix stood with nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Ready to bathe!" Phoenix said, not moving from his proud location in the hallway, right in front of their bedroom.

"Yes, fine, let me get changed at least" the other man muttered. He tried to hide his eagerness, it was of no use, as he knew Phoenix knew it too.

In the period of Edgeworth changing, Wright took the oppertunity to light all the candles around the bathroom, and filling wine in the wineglasses he had put in the space. The finishing touch would be to enter the bathtub. Just as the final candle was tent, he could hear footsteps closing in. Hurriedly he threw the towel away, and went in the tub. It was still hot from when he first poured it.

As Edgeworth entered, he got speechless. He took his hand up to his mouth in utter awe. It clearly was something Phoenix could manage to do, even if it was stupid to some degree, but romantic.

"Come in" Phoenix said inviting. "I know you can't wait for me to rub your back Miles"

"I-I'm coming" Miles answered, slightly flustered, considering they were both naked in a room full of candles and wine.

As he went in the tub, he turned his back to Wright. He did after all offer a back scrub. 

Phoenix didnt hesitate before getting the lukewarm soap in his hands, before soaping him up. His other hand grasped a soft, but refreshing sponge to use. In the following moments, Phoenix did his back from every angle and cleaned it nicely, before his back suddenly came sliding against him.

"Miles?" Phoenix said softly.

It seemed like he had fallen asleep from the back scrub, but Phoenix didn't mind it. He always had long hard days at work after all. Phoenix continued to wash him, until he grew tired himself.

In the end, they both ended up asleep in the bathtub, Miles in Phoenix's embrace, with his head ontop of his lovers head.


(This is my second fic! I am totally in love with narumitsu, so I'll continue making these when I find more prompts c: Till then, see ya'll)

- Kurolan

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