Prompt 3

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I'm gonna start to post the prompt in the bottom, so that you can guess what the prompt was!


Miles Edgeworth was humming a soft tone as he stood bent over the kitchen bench. On days like these there weren't much to do, other than work. It wasn't complaining, it was just a thought. It wasn't like he missed someone, nothing was more annoying when he came around anyways..

That man was Phoenix Wright. He didn't know to describe the defense attorney at first, but it didn't take long. Yes, there were many ways to describe Phoenix Wright, but in the end he was one of his first, and only best friend, along with another airhead named Larry Butz. But if he had to say something more about Phoenix it would be-


In the midst of thinking, a sharp pain went from his hands throughout his body. While being in deep thought he accidentally managed to cut his finger. "How foolish" he could hear Franziska saying from his head.

He couldn't believe how stupidly fast it happened. One moment he was cutting peacefully, the second moment he got in deep thought, and thirdly he cuts himself. A small stupid decision could lead up to that. 

While standing with his painful pulsating finger under cold water, he tried to grab for the band-aids. There were always incidents like these when he had him over, so it didn't hurt to be prepared. The short stretch to the closet with the band-aids was successful and the part of opening it went nicely too. Until he saw the contents. Pink band-aids with cute bunnies on.

He didn't know if he should be laughing or annoyed. Phoenix Wright bought these for some incredibly stupid reason, and now that was the only solution. A small sigh escaped his mouth as his lips went upwards. That idiot. That forgivable idiot.

He then took the moment to dry his still-slightly-bleeding-finger. It wasn't a big cut, but big enough to hurt, and big enough for the band-aid to perfectly fit around the wound. He studied his finger after applying the pink band-aid. The white bunny was in the middle of his index finger, and it looked ridiculous on an adult male like himself. It was the only way to solve the matter he said to himself.

A small decision to think of stupid matters were enough for this to happen. He pondered, if someone were to ask what the simplest decision he had done was, what would it be? It was foolish of him to be thinking of this- like Franziska would have said. He couldn't help but being curious.

His simple decisions in the past could've had big impacts on what his future was today. Maybe the time he decided to become a prosecutor instead of a defense lawyer? Or the time he faked his death for the "better"? t had had a big impact yes, but something said otherwise within him. None of them could be considered the simplest decision.

A knock on the door -

Edgeworth wiped off his hands that were stained with tomato before he went to open the door. In the blurry glass of his door he could see a tall figure with dark hair. A gentle smile formed in his face as he opened the door. "Hello Phoenix Wright"

"Why do you always lock the door."

He didn't answer, just did the gesture of inviting him in. Phoenix Wright did as he started to take his outer wear off.

"What's going on with your cute pink finger there?" he said mockingly, as he planted a small peck at the corner of Edgeworth's mouth.

A small blush crept up in Miles Edgeworth's face. He took his bad hand up to his face to conceal the blush, as he looked to the side.

"A small incident in the kitchen, that's all"

"Do you need help?"

"No, I suspect you have work to do"

A frown appeared in his face, he tried to offer help at least. Edgeworth had a smirk in his face in comparison. He just knew he was trying to avoid whatever he was supposed to do. 

"I'll go start finishing up my paperwork" he said with a sulky voice, as he lounged down in the sofa.

"Food will be ready soon"

As Edgeworth went back in the kitchen he could hear a "thank you" from the couch. And it suddenly went up for him what the easiest decision had been. 

Deciding to love the annoying- but lovable man named Phoenix Wright.


Small bonus:

As they finished up eating dinner, Edgeworth couldn't keep himself anymore. He wanted proper kiss from the man who only gave him a peck on the side.

He bent over the table to press his face into the face of his lover, feeling the heat suddenly radiating from him. A small moan escaped from both sides in the moment they gasped for air. Phoenix did a small chuckle before he kissed the man properly on the mouth.

"Better now?"

"Mhm" he replied satisfied.


Prompt: Person A ponders over the simplest decision. Bonus if it's about person B.

I'm sorry I feel this didn't turn out too good I'm not a writer imsorry

- Kurolan

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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