chapter 8

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"What happened to you?"my mother sat beside me on the couch

"I bunched a tree" I said as I pulled my head back to rest on the couch.

"Why?" she asked strangely.

"I wanted to punch something or break something."I said closing my eyes

"Well, good job. You broke your hand" she said angrily and stood up.

"It's just a fracture , mom" I said in matter of factly but she wasn't even listening to me obviously still upset.

My arm was itchy but I couldn't scratch it so I let myself rest and maybe get some sleep but then my father came and sat beside me.

"What is happening to you?"He asked

"Nothing. Just going through some feisty teenager changes that will form me to a person who is ready to be a member in this society" I said with sarcasm obvious in my voice with my eyes still closed.

"Well, from where this is going, I don't think it's good changes." He said with his voice stern.

I kept silent.

"Are you on drugs?" he asked. My eyes fluttered open at his question.

"WHAT? Dad, of course not" I said and shook my head in dismay.

"I am going to sleep" I announced as I stood up interrupting whatever my dad was going to say next.

I lay on my bed with my eyes wide open, John and what he said fresh in my mind. I couldn't shake it off. He didn't know I didn't do it. All he knew that I did it taking the main role and mark and Devon helped me which is wrong but even if I said it, no one would believe me. It was the stupid rumor that stupid Devon started and my attitude doesn't help my case because I look guilty. I feel guilty.

Then both of my hands clenched into fists and my eyes narrowed as my I made my lips into a straight line. I was angry, infuriated. That stupid Devon was the cause of all of this. I gritted my teeth as I thought of him and growled loudly. I stood up and marched towards the door and slammed it open .I then rushed out of my house towards Devon's house. He was close to my block so I took off running. I didn't know how much I had been running or how long it had been since I was on my bed. I saw his house and ran even faster towards it. When I arrived to the door I was about to pound on the door but decided against it because his parents could be home so I knocked on the door softly.

His little brother who was 7 years old opened the door. He was much shorter than me. His name was Jake.

"Is your brother here?"I asked looking down at him and making a gentle expression on my face.

"Yes" he said pouting which I have no idea why he did it.

"Are your Parents home?" I asked.

"Nope" he said popping the p.

"great" I mumbled to myself.

I pushed the door open as Jake let go of it.

"Where's your brother?" I asked Jake.

"in his room" he said uninterestingly he as he caught the remote control and flipped the channels on TV. I think he answered me easily without questions because he used to see me a lot at their house when I was his brother's friend.

I took quick steps on the stairs until I reached the top floor. I stood for less than 10 seconds trying to remember which room was his. I turned the knob of the door and found Devon sitting on his computer with his back slightly hunched forward. He turned his head away from the screen on the sound of the door opening.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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