709 48 17

third person
park lina
12:00 pm

lina literally ran from lunch to her fourth hour class, picked up her stuff, then ran outside to her fifth hour in the fine arts building. she needed to be early so she could have extra time putting her instrument together.

she loved being early to anything.

as she was sitting down someone in her section someone was already there conversing with the band directors. it was kim taehyung. he was the first chair saxophone in their section, jungkook second and then her. he played like a college student and she has always wanted to practice with him.

"yah lina." his deep voice made her finger tips tingle.

"yes?" she answered looking up at him.

"can i get a-"

"shut up." he may be great at playing but he is a goofball, and really immature.

"ohhhh yeeaaahh!" jungkook entered the music room a book in his hand with his instrument dangling from his neck. he sat down next to lina with his reed sticking between his cherry colored lips.

people started pooling in with their instruments playing obnoxiously before the band director began class.

it was in the middle of a song when jungkook started nudging lina lightly with his elbow to annoy her. she did it back a little harder than he did. he smirked and watched her wait for him to strike back in his peripheral. she looked nervously at her sheet music on her stand.

the band director was working with another section fixing little details so jungkook took his chance to lean over wrapping his right arm around her shoulder, but not touching her before tapping on her collarbone. she flinched before turning her head rapidly earning small giggles from jungkook and his friend jimin sitting in the row behind them.

"broke your neck hehe." he whispered in her ear. frustrated from his annoying actions she looked him in the eye while stomping harshly on one of his feet earning a silenced groan from him.

he didn't bother her for the rest of class.


2:40 pm
icejeonjungfish is typing...
snapchat from icejeonjungfish

icejeonjungfish: i have a bruise on my foot now
icejeonjungfish: thanks hoe

lamelina: np :-)

icejeonjungfish: ride the bus home with me

lamelina: no thanks

icejeonjungfish: why not

lamelina: you don't want a junior ruining your reputation do you?

icejeonjungfish: omL your ex

lamelina: its alright me and yoongi are aight

icejeonjungfish: i cant believe you dated him thric3

lamelina: ugh don't remind me

icejeonjungfish: ride the bus home with me

lamelina: im already home
lamelina: buy me icecream

snapchat from icejeonjungfish

lamelina: smooth you look like a koala wait no a peanut

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lamelina: smooth you look like a koala wait no a peanut

icejeonjungfish: nah man

lamelina: where u at anyways

peanut: an internet cafe

lamelina: ur lame

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