Love is a Strong Word (Dean Short Story)

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This is for Kc, Who requested one of these one shots on

What the hell was going on? This girl just murders her sister. I mean, some times that happens, but apparently this girl was in Arizona when her sister was killed in Iowa. Walking under the yellow tape surrounding the house, I watch as a deputy puts the crying girl in the car. "It wasn't me, I swear! I can't remember anything!" She repeats over and over As I was climbing into my car, I see two guys climbing out of a Black, 1967 Chevrolet Impala. I might a car geek.

I watch as the two men climb out and walk over to the yellow tape. One of them was taller, with shaggy dark brown hair. He looked muscular. The other was tall, but not as tall as the giant he stood by. He had short, dirty blonde hair, and you could see his muscles under the cheep suit he wore. I expected them to just watch for a minute and then walk away, but they ducked under the tape and flashed badges to one of my deputy's, Leroy.

Groaned inwardly, I walk over to where the two men with badges are standing. "Excuse me gentleman. Leroy, carry on." Turning to the men, I have to look a long way up to look into there eyes. "Can I help you?" I ask. "We are FBI, agents Page and Bonham." says Mr. ten feet tall in a pleasant tone.

Yea, right. "Kc Heath. May I see your badges?" They reach onto there inner jacket pocket and take out two badges that they flash before my eyes before putting them away again. Idiots. I lift up a brow and step closer to talk in a lower tone.

"Page? Bonham? Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I don't like Led Zeppelin. If you were FBI, you would have nicer suits. You wouldn't be able to drive your Impala, and your badges would have a real number on them. Now who are you REALLY, and tell me the truth." The tall one had a look of panic in his eyes, and backed up a little bit. "Um, I think we have a small misunderstanding. We're just going to leave. Dean lets go." The last part was whispered, and they backed up and started walking back to there car.

Being the nosy person I am, I couldn't help but move with them a couple yards, just to hear what they are saying. "She looks like the demons type." The tall one said. "Well what are we going to do, follow a cop around all day?" The tall one said one more thing I couldn't hear. "Fine! Ok Sammy. We'll follow her around, but I swear, if nothing happens by tomorrow, I'm taking care of this my way."

There wasn't any way for me to sneakily trail them anymore, so I went back to my car. It was getting late, and I just wanted to get back to the office, finish the damn filing I had to do, then go home.


*six hours later*


I had been home fore two hours now, and I changed into a dark grey hoodie and a loose pair of mustache short shorts. I might be 29, but I'm still in my twenty's, if I want to act like a teenager, I will. I blast Imagine Dragons through my house, singing along with the lyrics.


I do some dance moves, and slide into my kitchen, searching for the tub of cookie dough ice cream I know is somewhere in there. After about ten minutes of digging though the endless amount of food I somehow managed to fit into my small freezer, I pull out the ice-cream. VICTORY! I mentally scream, before slamming the freezer door shut. I reach for the spoon I got out before I hear a loud bump near the front of the house.

immediately going into stealth/cop mode, I open up the silverware drawer and take out the false bottom that conceals the gun I kept there. Checking, there's a full clip, and I slowly make my way to where I heard the noise, keeping myself pressed against the wall the entire way. after making an entire sweep of my down stairs, I relax and flip on the safety on my glock. (gun) Perplexed, I walk back to the kitchen, flipping on the light I thought I had left on. I walk back to the drawer, but instead of putting the gun into it, I stick it into the waistband of my shorts and fix the false bottom on the drawer. The overhead light begins to flicker, but when I straighten up it stops.

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